As far as freep, I have to admit that gunga "snookered" me . I originally believed that his pile of plap was from some non scientific source but was instead the Civic Biology text. The population and race crap is just that, its crap and we all know it.
All I can say is that the quote separates the actual evolution aspects from some more racist view that the author may have had. Its too bad that sometimes even good science can harbor bad views.
Im happy to represent a science that is self correcting over time. Im going to have to earch out "Civic Biology' at used book stores and try to get the original and later editions . In my collection are several books that were used in biolgy classes in Pa during the same time (and earlier) which only deal with a religious interpretation of the rise of life on the planet.
Remember what the Butker act stifled.
Was the Civic Biology text, the only text available? so in effect was it a toss up to present some evolution although badly formed?
Was Civic Biology a stealth book (sorta like "Of Pandas and People " was actually a stealth Creationist book that morphed into an ID platform)
AS far as the SCopes trial, it was specifically brought against a teacher who was in violation of teaching materaial that was opposed to the Butler ACt, namely EVOLUTION, Racism and eugenics had nothing to do with the trial. In fact, in 1925 there were plenty of laws on the books in Tennessee that were racist and were upheld daily, and these laws predated Scopes by years. SO the bringing up of a textbook that had some racists views and ideas had really nothing to do with the trial and the concept of evolution.