Mon 27 Dec, 2010 01:06 pm
Has anyone ever used tea trea oil for fungus. I had a bad big toe fungal infection, the Dr. wanted to take the nail completely off or give me some medication that would take about 3-4 months to show any kind of improvement but I didn't like all the possible side effects. A friend told me about tea tree oil, it's an antibiotic, antifungal solution applied topical. I ordered it onine and used it for about a week every night with a q-tip and slowly cutting my nail back, within a week the fungus was completely gone and I'm amazed.
Never heard of it before.
Yup - heard of this before.
Some people don't like the odor, but it seems to be effective.
That's my take, though I never tried it for fungus. I use a liquid tea tree oil soap. It's still pretty good, and doesn't have the characterist odor. For chaffed and irritated skin, Bag Balm is really good stuff, but it's petroleum jelly based and you have to be willing to put up with the mess.
i love the smell, i use it when i have a hangnail (fingers and toes)
If you mean fungial nail infections, I'm glad for confirmation.
I kind of like the smell too; it's just not the way I want to smell in public.
no, more as an astringent if i get a rip from a hangnail or an infection from said rip
I've used tea tree oil shampoo for years. I find that it doesn't make my hair smell funny. It's great in shampoos and keeps my scalp clean with no buildup.
Right. In a liquid soap or shampoo, the odor is negligible. The pure oil has a distinctly spicy smell. Vaguely like clove. Not a bad smell, but it just isn't me, if you get my drift.
I can visualize that ... sort of medicinal.
It's good stuff.
I was introduced to it by an herbalist who recommended it for the girldog when she had an ear infection that the meds from the vet were taking a long time to help.
I always keep some on hand to use in Cleo's ears. Only need it for a week or so a year now.
I've bought some tea tree shampoo for myself. It's quite helpful during dry scalp season here. A bit of a medicinal odor but I don't mind it
It is fantastic for removing sticky gunk left by labels on jars.
I will keep that in mind.
Great when added (a LITTLE) to boiling water and used as an inhalant for sinus infections/problems.
Add a little at a time or you'll blow the top of your head off!