Sat 25 Dec, 2010 01:28 pm
Suck it, you butt-hurt bozos who think that Christmas is the only holiday that happens in December.
Ah, to me fundamentalist christianity is solipsistic.
Somewhat like Dys says, but different, I know many sane thoughtful christians. Different in that I was a believer for the first part of my life. My older self of going on fifty years passing disagrees with my young self, almost hard to remember, but to my mind it was a legitimate young self. I can almost see me, then, agreeing with that woman, let's say when I was in my early teens. Once I started working in a hospital after school, I got a clue of a larger world... even in a catholic hospital.
Happy holidays, Drew Dad..
St, Stephen was a stableboy. He water his five horses....
A Swedish Christmas song