Quote:For example I care about eradicating computer iliteracy and poverty from africa.
A very strange thing to claim to care about in that one of the main problems in ending poverty in that part of the world is that the population is increasing far faster then the GNP or even the locally growth of the food supply.
Having a large family is such an area and under such conditions is setting one hell of a bad example.
Quote:The question should be why do people feel they have the moral right to judge other peoples choices just because it does not fit there own limited mind set?
May I point out that you on the one who came to us for our opinions so I see no problem with giving them to you.
Now as far as a moral rights of other people to have a problem with you decision to have a large family question, I can see in a very small food poor village for example your actions could even condemn other people children to death.
Pricing the scarce food needed to keep their children alive beyond their ability to pay for it. Under such conditions, I can see how those people would have every moral right to question your family size.
In a larger community, your actions would have no such direct impact but still it is not likely to make you too many friends and rightly so in an over populated area.
Once more, you have a strange way to express your concerns about poverty in having a large family in an area where over population is the driving cause of that poverty.