moosly - somewhat like an antlered creature.
gloomys-days that are filled with dark and gray clouds.
ZOOMGLYS -- Fastest glissand one can play on a harp
Godzolsym - plastic Action-man type toy with godlike, godzillalike and sympathetic tendencies
smazoldogy-a stogy old man
goosmazedly - (Devonshire dialect) in a stupid, bewildered manner : When 'e saw that there chap tupping the pig, he stared goosmazedly at 'un.
gozmosedaily - how often you should gozmose.
Goodlysize Mac - more politically correct than Big Mac, with no fattest overtones (though plenty of fat, natch)
pid - a short piddle
dipe-to wipe up a short piddle
dipek - the currency of East Diphthong.
peekid-successful potty training.
kidneep - cross between a kidney bean and a Scottish turnip, popular with vegetarians
keendipa- 1) someone enthusiastic to swim.
2) (derog) Someone who enthusiastically swims, nude.
kennedapi - small okapi discovered in the wilds of Bechuanaland in the 1960s and named in honour of JFK
kennedipal - a personal flotation device in case you find yourself being driven off a bridge by a Kennedy.
padrikennel - where henpecked fathers get put, in the doghouse
pandarinkleen - a device that cleans ice skating rinks using live pandas; a natural Zamboni.
Oops, I owe you a 3-letter woid.
Ahm - the essence of almonds.
MAPH - Brit, acronym for Ministry of Agriculture, Pisciculture and Horticulture
PHMNA - The sound a person makes suppressing a sneeze.