pareous - both unpleasant and charming
pearouse - to roust legumes out of their shells
rosepeauk-a rosebush disease.
keroseptua - late summer application of organic chemical to zinc plates
septuaskero - fear of 70-year-olds.
onetaskpurse - bag sized for individualized chore
unsapsonketer-a device needed to measure cork sizes.
jiz-a caffine drink
JAIZ - word, said with a slight sneer and some effervescence, meaning a miscellaneous category, as in "all that jaiz".
JANIZE - to cover with specialty children's shoes called
'Mary Janes'.
ANCJIEZ-A type of cheese with a bitter flavor.
Jeancize - to turn denim cloth into trousers with specialty stitching and labels.
Cjieznana -
Main Entry: jiz·san·na
Variant(s): also ho·san·nah /hO-'za-n& also -'zä-/
Function: interjection
Etymology: Eastern European jizsanna, from Old English, from Late Latin, from Greek hOsanna, from Hebrew hOshI'Ah-nnA pray, save (us)!
Date: before 12th century
-- used as a cry of acclamation and adoration
- Cjieznana noun
JAZZANCINE - website for jazz in music and dance
Jezzicanans-Tribe from the district of Jezzi
sennajacuzzi - a specially constructed spa bath which massages the stomach to loosen constipation; taken in conjunction with senna pods is very efficaceous.
sennajazzicup - fancy container for senna pod juice.
Myl - nickname for anyone named Myles.
Omly - the correct (middle) way to chant Buddhist mantras