stopthare - a woman's last plea
vertopaths - people with pathological vertigo, like me
Heartpivots - people who are pathologically addicted to getting into new relationships and fancying themselves in love
hotoprivates - genitalia of porn stars
shu - Irish invitation to go away
phus - an academic argy-bargy.
hurps - eructations caused by herpes
herpus - a cat worth its weight in gold
sherpus - breed of cat that loves to climb the Himalayas.
plussher - Sonny's other half.
sunshlerp - what the Aussies slop on
pensilrush - what phonetic writers who don't think first, suffer from.
unearlships - demotions in the House of Lords
pac - vacuum pack
crap - what this thread is all about.
carpo - someone who complains about the threads
porcas - huge, black and white pigs who swim in the ocean and eat seals and penguins.
caporn - love in an automobile.
craspot - a foolish mad person
spotcrap - a sudden natural relieve
poptarch - <poptarchy, rule by 'celebrity'. A poptarch is a celebrity who rules.
Chaptroop -- the staircase of a popular and cheap business lady.