hapman - greeting for those on the go (corruption of "What's happenin', man?")
Naphmas - a truly naff Christmas, with lots of plastic holly, jolly fake Santas who in reality are crooked and conniving social climbers, and too much sweet and ersatz food
harmspam - web product useful but not 100% effective in eliminating pesky spammers
marshmaps - very useful maps for the prevention of getting wet feet
marshymaps - maps used while it is raining out
smarmy-phase - the first few weeks of a new relationship between a lounge-lizard and a love-starved dingbat
schmearsampy - typical small trial bagel and cream cheese at trendy Bagelleria
palmyschmears - trendy Bagelleria in tropical location
URS - grizzly bear noises
vurs - a useless (yet expensive) new software version
VURUS-- Voodoo high priests
survul - Lithuanian porridge, eaten with salt and butter
suvrule - vehicle blocking vision
VULARUSE --- Ethnic group found South of the Volga river and West of the Caspian Sea
souluver - an aficionado of radical soul music
loselover - device to speed up a common occurrence
you've lost a few u's there, ossy old friend!
Oh-oh, you're missing some U's!
louseover - to re louse up a project
Oh no! Still missing a U!!!
Soulrevue -- Showtime at the Apollo Theater
ozuluverse - South African poetry