farquals - those pesky styrafoam peanuts that are used for packing material. the plural of farqual.
squafral - a short rainstorm, as experienced by desert deweelers. By extension, the celebration that happens after rain.
SquatFarl----A game played in the deserts of Africa..albeit a dangerous one, where young men test their courage by throwing brigt colored stones in holes and blindly reaching in to retreive it...
Squallfart - a thunderous breaking of wind
Squarelflat - an apartment that's kind of square and kind of L-shaped.
Squarallfeta - bottled cubes of feta cheesein oil that have been nibbled by california squirrels who were raised under olive trees.
Allsquare feat - a circus act that involves 16 acrobats and a lion.
ahm - a third arm (from the 3-armed Hindu goddess Ahm)
hame (pron. heym)
Any dodgy meaty foodstuff sold to an unsuspecting customer by a dealer in a caravan
(coined by the gutter press, comparing the dealers to cowboys.)
remath - the act of adding a column of numbers repeatedly and coming up with a different answer each time.
ara' meth---slang term for crank in Iraq.
hamarest - an elasticated hammock, hilarious for children and lovers, restful for the elderly
Shame Star -- the top of the heap in a worst-of-the-worst contest for shameful behaviours. As in....the Shame Star of 2003 is __________.
sadhamster - a joyless, party-pooping person; also known as a poormouse, a lameshrew, or a dolevole
I nominate George Bush for shame star 2003~!
Shai'me tars---ancient chinese warrior priests.
how about we combine shamestar with the d of mine and the i of yours, Willow?
go for it Clary, I am in a bridge tourney and hopping back and forth..
eshaimustard (do I have all of the letters?) - the act of going on a web cam and wearing nothing but a strategically-placed jar of Grey Poupon.
samiethreads - people who habitually do the same games on A2K
ramisethreads - woven materials of mixed origin used in clothing manufacture.