Vaquexbty - a shorthand term used in Hollywood to identify an air-headed, formerly beautiful starlet.
(Thanks for continuing without me - I'm still not familiar with all the rules, and didn't know I should start a new one at 13. Next time I'll know!)
quebevytax - a tax levied on beverages with an alcohol content of more than 7%
I'm making this game up as it goes along so you didn't know about the magic 13 rule - made up a few pages back. Also we are allowed 2-word phrases. Last one to post a 13 gets to do a 3! Hope you enjoy this game, I'm glad I invented it, and have a merrie Christmas too!
queybeqtaxi ---riverfront rickshaws used in the red light district of Singapore.
Texiququebay -- the location of a secret oil drilling rig used by the Texico Company, located near Singapore (you can use a riverfront rickshaw to get to the docks).
Quiet quexbaby - an endangered small bushbaby found in Madagascar; there are only 6 breeding pairs known.
And here is my Christmas 3
MAG - Middle English - one of the 3 Magi
Ma' Og ----A singaporian street walker.
Agoma - A rare skin disease
Agoman - Someone who used to be alive but isn't anymore
Nag-o-rama --- I really need to put a definition on this one? I think you can figure it out.
Ha ha ha!
Snag-o-rama - the act of continually getting runs in one's stockings.
Mango Areas = South Florida farming region
soda manager - lowest managerial job in McDonald's
damongareras= (Jap) (sing. damongarer)
Someone who is quick to slight others whilst not wanting to change their bad points.
corruption of Damn and mongerers
Edamongareras----The curd left over from making edam cheese..
R' af ---an Egyptian goddess of travelers; usually ship merchants.
ARFA -- The barking sound of an Italian Greyhound
Qa'fra----an endearing chinese term for a family member.
QUAFRA? -- French. To question authority
Quafar - a person seen to be quaffing a great deal of spirited liquids
Qualfar - the quality of distance; to be distant.