I'll have to look at the structure throughout. I am not sure if the administrator is in favor of this or not. Obviously she has a say, but my gut would say she would be against this if it is strictly a financial reason. I'd think she'd realize dealing with students slowly leaving the school, it wouldn't be a good thing.
If it is for reasons around lowering the numbers in aftercare - there does seem to be quite a lot of kids in aftercare, then I'd say otherwise.
I do know some parents that are very active in the church - I plan on mentioning to them that I do not have a choice but to pull my kids out of the school because of the increased cost - and see their reaction to sort of get a pulse on things.
The nice thing is - tonight is the Christmas musical so the opportunities abound for talking with others.
Do you think it is worthwhile to reach out to the other parents I know who are in aftercare and maybe pull us together as a team?