Fri 3 Dec, 2010 09:45 am
I keep seeing them before apostrophes and double quotes.
What's up with that?
What up with that!
The devil is doing it. We need to burn a witch !! Where's djjd.....
It's a programming bug. And, yes, we know about it.
Quote:It's a programming bug.
I'll buy some bug spray for the computer then....are you sure it isnt witch craft cause we could burn someone to make sure.....just sayin....
i wouldn|t mind it this way...
Short version is that they are an escape character, and our software handles that but the server was temporarily configured with PHP's "magic quotes" that also does the same thing, this resulted in double escaping and thus the display of the extraneous backslashes.
We are working on cleaning it up now, so these threads about it may not make much sense.