Terry wrote:
IMO, it is a lack of motivation, not ability. Root causes include negative peer pressure and parents who do not value education enough to ensure that their children show up for classes prepared to learn (on time, homework done, clean, fed, dressed, enough sleep, good attitude and behavior, drug-free, not distracted by events at home). If the black community would address these issues instead of blaming whites for their "misfortune" they might get somewhere.
While certainly there are black people that feel like "whitey" has kept them down and is still keeping them down, but it is certainly not ALL black people, so please don't generalize us and group us all in your 'they' statements.
Now, as the wife of a teacher, I see many cases where the parent or whomever the child is living with is not motivated at home to do his or her best in school. I see parents that are tolerant of the child and intolerant of the teachers & the schools efforts to get the child on the right track. This is not only in the homes of the black students. I find that where black students simply are not motivated is often times because the parents are so busy working to keep money flowing from whatever job they've got going, they're just not home enough and 'too tired' to do the parental thing. I find that is a sad excuse - no matter what your race.
Sadly, when 'the black community' addresses the issues which you're referring to and the ones which I've just mentioned, those who need to be 'addressed' are more often than not those in non-attendance (for whatever reason. Some don't have a car so they can't drive there. Some can't take the bus because they don't have fare. Some can't go because they don't have a sitter, Some can't because they've got to be at their 2nd job) A smorgasboard of reasons why all crop up.
Again, I personally don't believe any of these are valid reasons (except maybe having to be at work). It's sadly an epidemic among some black people of lesser conditions - but certainly not all.
I think it's a matter of 'some think they can't, so they don't' - for whatever reason this is their though processes.
And, as the wife of a teacher - I'll tell you, you can't discount the things that go on at home as having an effect on the student in school, because it does - both white, black , hispanic and all others. It's sad that we can't think of a way to motivate the PARENTS to motivate their children, or rather, that the parents won't accept the motivation to motivate their own children...