CalamityJane wrote:
Oh Foofie, are you retracting your earlier sayings that you and your religious
fanatics never mixed DNA with gentiles? Now you're claiming to have
bred for domestic purposes, which would translate to your DNA being inferior and not able to breed an intelligent being. Oh my, new worlds open up here...
Supposed scholarly DNA analysis claims that a large percentage of Ashkenazi Jews are descended from a Middle-Eastern paternal lineage, and a local European maternal lineage. The theory being that many small groups of Jews in the first millenium came to Europe to have a trading post (aka, branch office), and the younger ones married local women. Ashkenazi Jews are just hybrids.
I do not think that Jews have a superior intellect. I personally think they often have just an average (median) intellect. However, the Gentile population being so much larger may mean that many Gentiles are on the left side of any bellcurve (less than average intellect). In statistics I believe it is called "kurtosis." Jews may have a narrower kurtosis, meaning they may just "cluster" around the mean.
The smartest people I have met, in my opinion, were not Jewish. They tended to be Protestant though, of British or German descent. I am just being candid (to a fault?)