Even if I can do something myself, if I don't have the time, then I really can't do it myself. Ya know?
If something must be done and you can do it, get to it. If something must be done once and you cannot do it, ask someone else. If something must be done again and again, ask for help until you have acquired the knowledge to do it yourself.
As for me, I won't help someone that is just too lazy to do it themselves. I have a low tolerance for sloth and senses of entitlement.
I cannot wire a house. I would hire an electrician. Unless, of course, I was to wire many houses, then I would learn by having an electrician help me.
As for helping out, that's different. My mother could paint the whole house by herself, but that doesn't mean she should have to. There's no reason that woman should work so hard. She could hire someone, but she has 2 able-bodied children to help her instead. According to her, that's why she had kids in the first place