Here's some friendly advice for all women from a book used in the housewife school in Norway in the 1950's. Enjoy
Get all work done.
Plan your tasks carefully, and keep an eye on the clock. The man doesn't feel the warmth flowing towards him when he hears you say "are you home already?"
Have dinner ready
Plan a delicious meal already the night before. That way you show him that you care about him and his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home, and a good dinner is a part of the neccesary welcome
Prepare yourself
Take 15 minutes to rest so that you are rested when he comes home. Then you will also be hapy to see him, instead of being to tired to care. Forget all worries you may have and be eternally grateful that you have the man who is walking through the door soon. While you rest you can think about appointments and things you can do to boost his spirits. When you get up in the morning, take care of your looks. Fiks your makeup, tie a ribbon in your hair and look rested and alert. He has just spent time with many frustrated and tired people. Be a little more festive and intresting than usual. He may need a little pep after the long day at work.
Clear away the mess
Take a last round throught the house before he comes home, gather up schoolbooks, toys, paper and so on, put it in a bucket or trashbin and leave it in the bedroom to deal with it later. Then you go over the tables with a moist cloth. The man in your life has to feel that he has come to a place of peace and quiet, and it will also make you feel more relaxed. To keep the house in order is yet another way to show him that you really care about his coming home.
Prepare the children
Spend a few minutes washing the hands and faces of the children (if they are small), comb their hairs and change their clothes if they are dirty. The children are his little treasures, and they should look it.
Minimize all sound
Notice especially if your husband has to drive through rushtraffic. When he gets home, eliminate all sound from the dishwasher (if it's on of course). Encourage the children to be quiet when he comes. Let then make a little noise beforehand, so they get it out of their system,
Be happy to see him
Greet him with a warm smile and be happy. Tell him that it is good to have him home. This can lead to him feeling additional worth about his day. He needs all the romance he can get from you.
Don't greet him with complaints. Solve your problems before he gets home, and if not, wait with them until the evening comes. Also, don't complain if he is late for dinner. Count this as a small problem in relation to what he may have gone through at work that day. Don't let the children flood him with problems and demands. Just let them greet their father briefly.
Be nice to him
Give him the comfortable chair or suggest that he get some rest on the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him. You can offer to massage his feet, but don't insist on this. Talk to him with a soft and relaxed voice. Let him relax.
Listen to him
Maybe you have a dozen things to tell him, but his coming home is not the right time. Let him talk first, then he will listen more to what you want to tell him later.
The goal
Try to make your home into a place of peace and order, where your husband can refresh himself in body and spirit. If you do this he will rather want to spend time with you than anything else in the whole world, and he will spend all his free time on you and the children. Try to live after these rules for his coming home from work and see what happens. This is the correct way of having a man come home to you, not by complaining and being an irritation.