thailen wrote:
I have a polyester cover for a sunbathing chair which has mold on it and, altho I can remove the seatcover and put it in my washing machine, the mold won't come out. Anyone have a solution?
You say you CAN remove it and put it in the washer, but then say the mold won't come out.
Have you already washed it? If so, did you also dry it in the dryer? Cause that can set a stain.
I have successfully used Krud Kutter (paint removal section of Home Depot - although it is not a toxic paint remover. I don't know why that is where they place it.) It should be with the Goo Gone. Safe for most surfaces I've used it on so far, including leather, although you will want to test in a non conspicuous place first. I use it in place of bleach in the washer since it is non - toxic and doesn't eat the cloth like bleach. Removes grass, red clay, blood, red kool-aid, mold, rust, etc.
Try it full strength rather than the diluted version.