Can´t you simply address the contradiction that the truth is that there are no truths ??? Is that to much to ask ? How can you say that there is no Truth compared to what ? You are the one believing you can transcend the set of functions in which and by which you operate not me...I in turn accept what I have with my experience and account of it...that´s normal not pseudo reasoning...
...and yes I did consider that possibility it along long time ago...I even was, in my teens a fierce defender of that idea, as relativism is typical in that age, but of course, then I evolve and grew up, imagine that...
...you think I have any pleasure in contradicting you or Fresco or even JL ??? I do believe strongly that I have a case and it is not by not knowing or understanding the other side arguments...
...if I had to chose descriptions are incomplete not Truth...in the act of observing they attain the "object", the specific function they are serving, not the "thing" in its full potential...
( a "thing"as a stick can do and be many "objects" but we only come to know it when we need it and investigate what it can do regarding what must be accomplished...that, is the function by which we are challenged)
...objects are functions not things...