Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Sat, October 23, 2010 -- 1:23 PM ET
Use of Contractors Added to Chaos of Iraq War, Trove of Documents Shows
A huge archive of documents from the Iraq war, released by
WikiLeaks, shows a multitude of shortcomings with the
military's reliance on private contractors. The contractors
lacked coordination with coalition forces and often shot with
little discrimination -- and few if any consequences -- at
unarmed Iraqi civilians, Iraqi security forces, American
troops and even other contractors, stirring public outrage.
The documents also portray the long history of tensions
between Kurds and Arabs in the north of Iraq and reveal the
fears of some American units about what might happen after
American troops leave the country by the end of 2011.
Facing denunciations from governments for the release of the
classified documents, the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian
Assange, is now finding some of his own comrades abandoning
him for what they see as erratic and imperious behavior.
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