eoe wrote:
In my opinion, I think the child should be spared giving birth and the pregnancy terminated. If they can do a c-section and save the baby that would be great but I also don't believe that this 10 year old child should be faced with the concept of motherhood in any way, shape or form.
Perhaps one of you who feel that she should have the baby might consider adopting it?
How is an abortion of a near term fetus not physically and mentally traumatic?
Either way, the girl will be unconscious.
One way she learns she gave life, the other way, that she ended one before it even had a chance to begin.
She shouldn't be faced with the concept of motherhood, but it's acceptable for her to be faced with the concept of an ugly ugly procedure that results in death?
I don't want children, and I would be a bad mother.
There are countless people out there who want a newborn. People spend thousands of dollars to get pregnant, because the wait for a baby is so long.
She doesn't have to have the baby around, and the chances are excellent the baby will have people waiting in line to adopt an infant.
Sounds like a win/win/win for the girl who has to go through pain one way or the other, someone who gets a child, and the child.