@Pepijn Sweep,
Good morning!
(I just checked the World Clock & I see it's heading for 11 am in Amsterdam. Sounds like a good sleep in!)
Quote:Also I am shy to be back and do not want to upset any~one with to many postings.
I'm pretty certain that you haven't upset anyone at all since your return, Pepi.
Quote:Truly missed you at A2K; never meant anything bad.
Don't fret over the past, Pepi. It's history!
Quote:Does the PM work again ?
I'm really not sure exactly what the current situation is with "newish" members. Perhaps someone in the know can advise?
Quote:Have you been well ?
Not too bad at all. Could be better, glad things aren't worse!
Right now tired after work on a Friday.
Quote:Amsterdam is pretty quiet in winter. There will be Amsterdam Dance Event with lots of parties coming month. I hope to go to a few and enjoy some decent music. A lady-DJ/friend will be staying with us so tickets should be OK.
Quote:Do you still dance ?
I have been known to.
But not tonight, I'm afraid.
A shocker of a day at work (including the office I live in being flooded by a freak storm! And wet, crazy children, too! Crazy day.

Nah, dancing it definitely out tonight!
Quote:I'll check now who's on~
Have fun!