farmerman wrote:
You are sounding awfully like a geezer there Joe. When I was not a geezer, I used to just let stuff like this go by. Now , I get annoyed quite easily, like you just did.Complaining about everything, no matter how minor is a sure sign of increasing geezeishness Except I get annoyed whenever my keys go wandering around and I cant find em.
Whether 55 or 90, yer still a geezer adn you just might as well acknowledge the increasing slope.
Quote: And he blew out all the candles.
Its not exactly like climbing K2 without oxygen now is it?
Pardon my testyness, Im a geezer dont ya know.
Years ago in an age long past, a travelling sales man came across a ninty year old republican rocking on his front porch... In the course of their conversation, the sales man said: In ninety years you must have seen a lot of changes...
Yes, agreed the republican; and I was agin every one of them...
Can you imagine what negativity is involved in defining yourself solely by what you are against; and yet in talking to a lot of older folks, that is what I often encounter.... That is a side of all our social forms, that not one save humanity embraces all people and excludes none, but so often people seek out those groups that include few and exclude all... In a world where everyone is young the old are automatically excluded from so much, and their thoughts and feeling are often disregarded as a matter of course... And from the point of view of one 57, and getting there, I can see it from the perspective of the Young as well: We did nothing to solve the problems they face on a daily basis... IN taking ours, our nice retirements and good incomes we really were messing up the environment and confounding human relations around the globe... And on the other hand, what power did we actually have in our lives??? We could not accept the good we were given- as a rational and informed choice, and as **** is handed to the next gen, what choice has any of them, or us in our lives???
It is at that point where happiness is denied to all of us, that the essential control over our affairs is missing... We have no democracy and we can all see out socieity flailing about like a drowning man, and taking us down with it, but not one of us is given the opportunity to do anything about it... We did not vote ourselves into this mess and cannot vote ourselves out of it because we do not have democracy... So I do not deny bitterness to the old... When people wish their entire lives away because they never feel free to strike out against the injustice that grips them at every step of their existence until suddenly they find death waiting behind their next wish, and they are too old or infirm to turn against the boot that crushes them, then they are entitled to bitterness...
I would suggest that we all embrace democracy not for its common use of making legal the injury of others, and their removal from their rights; but to free us all from exploitation, and to give us sovereignty in our own affairs... To live is society is to endure some injustice, but it should not be ramapant... People should be free in their own affairs to the extent that their affairs do not affect others, and to the extent that their affairs affect others democracy should control them, and in that way we could have both freedom and protection...
The young should take a lesson from the old, not from what they say, but from their attitudes and perpetual scowls of injustice... There is never a good excuse for accepting injustice only because it is suffered by others and seems to benefit ones self... If we did not know the extent to which we benefitted from injustice, the exploitation of people here and in the third world, and the universal ongoing explotation of the environment it is because we did not want to know; and if we did not kick, or ever raise our voices against it, then we deserve all the injustice old age can heap upon us, and should smile at our just deserts...