Ask Socrates about "mulled wine"
Quote:You can't talk about food and dirty socks in the same paragraph, spendi.
I just did ed. It was a euphemism anyway.
Famous loudmouth about italian food has never tried eating a cannoli..
I suppose that is a salacious comment - not meant that way.
The problem re cannoli was, at Sorrento market, all the other pastries looked better.
Don't they do cannolis where you are - or previously in California?
There's a heap here - but then I live in Little Italy!
Yes, they do, but I never purchased any.
Or did. I'm back in an area with few italians, much less italian markets.
Dys will be along to mention a fine place in Colorado, but this is not there.
You didn't clear it with ragman.
I feel a pull - as a sentient geezer - to link my very favorite ever ever ever meatball sammich. Best eaten at some concrete bench and table right next to Lincoln Blvd and all the smog, or, even worse, the parking lot.
LA Weekly on Bay Cities International Market in Santa Monica:
There are lots of pluses and minuses out there on Bay Cities, but I've gone there for at least thirty years, and still loved it on a visit last year. Would that I could have their meatball sammy recipe.
Ps. the wine department seems to have grown a lot. I figure it took over the Big and Tall store.
This thread was about geezers, now it's about what foods we hate?
Concening geezers - sounds like a goose whose neck someone has made a pretzel of. You guys should start your own thread, name yourselves curmudgeons. The ladies, we should call ourselves harridans. Then we'd feel equal.
Concerning food, no problem, it all tastes bad. Great thing as I've lost 5 pounds. The medication I was taking cured what ailed me, but now all food tastes like ****. Pretty good deal, don't you think? Even ice cream tastes bad. I love it. Nice, having complete control.
blueveinedthrobber wrote:
late to what?
Right off the bat, not 7 pages later, let it be known the thread is for crone-like men (if you wish to create one for men only). Though I like curmudgeon best, sounds less bitchy.
Yes, I'm a thread messer upper.
I'll sit back, remonstrated.
dyslexia wrote:
I've been known to eat that **** because my mother made me, also Lady Diane makes me eat it. I don't have the personal strength to tell them I ain't gonna eat that ****.
Maybe you should have beat her up... I don't know about you; but when I wanted to smack my mother she was as big as Andre the Giant, and hitting her was out of the question...In fact, getting picked up with one hand while being beat with the other was always a possibility... I could probably take her now, but she is a little old lady, and there would be no honor in it...
farmerman wrote:
Ricotta mixed with cream and lots opf sugar, vanilla, orange and chocolate drops , makes a great stuffing for a cannoli.
EAting Cottage cheese is like eating rat turds, you dont have to eat it to know that they probably taste like ****.
How many rat turds have you eaten before becoming a judge???
Setanta wrote:
Drama queen . . .
it's not fair to call Osso a drama queen just because she's a drama queen, you must have a personal agenda.
It's cuz i'm pissed at BBB . . .
yeah, I, hear that, truthiness just ain't all that relevant when you can portray an agenda.
and cottage cheese is still modeled after puke.
I'm kinda tap-dancin' on this one . . . i left my copy of the agenda on the bus . . . so i'm makin' it up as i go along . . .
Is seven pages the statue of limitations for being allowed to post. I've been on this site since day one and I'm just learning this. wow. thanks
I don't know where pemerson gets information from, but it is actually supposed to be five.