In 1995, I started attending Framingham State College. In November of 1995, I had my first taste of the internet. Beckoned by the call of the the Click and Clack brothers of Car Talk.
With this first taste of cyberlife I decided to get an original email address that didn't encompass the annoying and klutzy set of numbers that followed the obvious and trite user names that were snatched up so quickly in the beginning of the internet age: cutegirl123214535, Batmanfan359593205, etc....
One of my first main history classes was my history of Russia class with Professor
Nicholas Racheotes. In fact, I had him for two classes that semester.
A world history survey class which was the prerequisite to the Russian history class.
Needless to say, he was/is my favorite teacher I have ever had. So I went online looking for some kind of Russianesque user name.
Tsar + Stepan (Russified version of Stephen) and there is my ironic internet username. I have yet to find another Tsarstepan on the entire world wide web.