Fri 17 Sep, 2010 10:56 am
sometimes she farts so much she finds it necessary to burn incense in the bathroom, It's quite possible some neighbors can smell her incense burning. some of them find the smell of her incense obnoxious and want a city ordinance prohibiting the burning on incense in one's private bathroom.
nice, way to take this issue to the level of general discussion
Are they loud boisterous farts?
Those are the best kind.
I know what to do, send her to Santa Monica..
Cows farts more. I don't think they can read the law.
Oh dear. The first public fart is a real milestone. Your body just thinks it can do anything it wants. Without the slightest suggestion from us. What a shock!
Farts came up today at lunch. One young teacher was surrounded by 13 year old boys, sitting on the floor of a gym, listening to some health/fitness lecture. The teacher farted. All the boys snapped their heads her direction and she looked at the boy nearest her. To this day, no one knows who it was who farted, she or the boy next to her.
Do not compliment her on this achievement. She hates compliments.
She likes 'em as long as they're not flattery and public, you crazy rat.
OIC. Help me find something nice to say about a fart.
Something nice about a fart? Okay, hmmm... well, the smell does dissipate after a time.
Something nice about Diane - she probably doesn't fart as much as the dys.
We're deep enough, Mame. Let's quit digging.
Interesting, isn't it, how one's own farts are perfectly OK. A welcome event, even!

But the farts of others are quite a different matter!
Ah, my darling Dys, you have been a busy boy, what with this thread and the other one about women after menopause.
Now that you have mentioned it in public, I'll be saving up.....
and I will feed Sally old pizza for hours before letting her come to bed..just remember, she sleeps especially close to you.
The two women in your life shall proceed to make your life miserable, (here's both of us giving a witch-like cackle) hee, hee, cackle cackle.
Oops, that she blows.....................that was Sally, by the way.