I wrote a whole freekin' thing about L&O, only to lose the damn thing!! So pissed off, I could eat a carrot!! Sorry, HAD to get that off my chest. Shaking I'm so mad.
Anyway, I'm rather new to L&O (only have been watching the show for, oh about 1-2 yrs.) I'm like obsessed with it though! I'm like you Heeven, I used to not like CI that much and thought Det. Goren was both strange and rather annoying, but I love the show now and find Goren to be rather sexy! I've read some about Vincent D'onofrio and found out that he's really into character acting, and I think he was trying to bring some character to Goren, rather than have him be just like any other det. So, because of him, CI is my favorite.
SVU is my second favorite (and I think Christopher Meloni is rather hot too) Did anybody find the episode about shaken baby syndrome rather disturbing and unnerving? Boy, I did. I saw a rerun the other night of SVU on TNT or USA or something, Olivia's hair was longer (which by the way, I don't think suits her....I think short hair brings out her features) and it was about a young boy who was rapped and murdered in a park by like 2 teenage boys. Was that the piolet by any chance? Like I said, I haven't been watching that long.
L&O the original, although my third favorite, I still really like. I like Sam Waterson rather well. I've seen some old episodes and found the older actors to be rather boring, kind of like the guy, on SVU who I guess Ice-T replaced. That's just me. My brother hates Ice-T, but I think he's kind of cool (on the show....don't know much about him in real life). Of old L&O actors though, I do like Angie Harmon-she's pretty cool.