@reasoning logic,
Quote:It sure would be nice to hear all of your point of views on this matter. If you are religious could you at least say that you do not want to partake in this discussion so that I have some idea of where you stand?
I worship nature and kindness at the twin altars of love and humanity. I celebrate the mass of the miracle of the senses every moment of every day. So far this has caused me no problems -only rapturous moments of extreme gratefulness for the miracles life affords.
Here's an example of one of my 'church' services:
by Gene Zeiger
Glow of ice on dark maples,
shape of blue fish in the clouds,
hum of tires, stutter of the car radio,
You know the highway is kindly,
the curve of it, your family at the end of it,
the lull of the wheels, the sudden view
of a small town dropped among trees
thin as eyelashes, and the buildings,
small, heaving chests with breaths
of smoke. And a sudden tenderness
fills you with the idea of people,
their wills and habits, the machinery
of their kindness, the way meals are served
with salt and a spoon.
And you think of them as birds
driven by the same wind, and such mercy
passes that it makes you weep for it
and soon you can't see the road
for the awful kindness of it, and the
idea of you, your name vanishes
leaving you alone and you must reclaim
it fast as you can in thought,
that dark bird circling over
the road until you are lost, or found
again in its wide wings lacing the blue
moving sky, the car now in motion
past the flash of sun again on an icy branch,
the self safely wrapped back inside its body,
which is your own, driving a car, yours.
Hell is the cruelty people inflict on each other, casually, without a second thought, in the absence of love.