joefromchicago wrote:wayne wrote:If determinism is true then show me the force which determines.
Show me the force that is "free will."
I tend not to contribute to these
Free Will v. Determinism threads anymore, since i tend to view both perspectives as receptacles of a moot point. However, i feel compelled to express a small reservation to the above objection:
"Show me a force in which the indicators for "free will" and "determination" are distinguishable.?"
All due respect, Joe, but i may not
choose to take part in further debate (out of boredom and laziness, morally inexcusable reasons, i'm sure.) But it seems to be that traditional debates about "free will v determinism" are undermined by taking account of modern patterns of thought about reality. Such accounts do not only undermine the idea of "free will", but also the simplistic version of determinism argued for by many modern "determinists". Isn't the idea of historical agency a bit more complicated than either classical idea?