Quote:No amount of gumption can combat a complete lack of opportunity in the professional world, no sense of prideful rugged individualism can offer refuge from being one of the millions of valueless automatons struggling for a place in a society that has burned its bridges and sunk its fortunes. Its a lot easier to blame the players then to examine the way that the game board has changed
I dont blame the 20 somethings, I blame the adults who raised them. These people are woefully unprepared for the world they live in because they have been raised poorly. There has been way too much "you're great!, you're special!, you can do anything you want to do!" back slapping and no where near enough giving them the opportunity to learn the skills that they need to be great/special/successful, nor enough demand that they actually do the work to get these skills. As a result they are in a difficult world with no sense of navigation and no way to get anywhere with the shoddy tool boxes that they posses. They are stuck, they have been deceived, they are helpless and they are useless.
At the same time they need to have the common sense that God gave them enough to realize that they have been fucked over, and that is required for deciding to do something about it, one painful step at a time.