How to get to Heaven?

Reply Sun 4 Jan, 2004 01:45 pm
be a good person

don't push other people to believe the samethings you do.

don't be a religious fanatic.
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Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2004 10:36 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
Seeker wrote:
Did Jesus die on the cross to demonstrate his love? Because actually, dying wouldn't help somebody else to be forgiven. So was it just the nicest way of showing us he was taking our sins? Or is their a deep meaning I haven't got? Rolling Eyes

The only reasonable guess about why Jesus died on the cross is -- because he riled the wrong people.

My guess is he would puke at what people have made of it.
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Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2004 10:52 am
Ooops - my post above only gave my quote and nothing else. I wanted to add that according to the Bible Jesus often discussed his death, and rose again afterwards. So how could it have been an unwanted event? Shocked
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Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2004 11:21 am
God, stupid me!!!! Someone years ago told me at a party that you could get anywhere by following Rt. 66 but the music was really loud and I was stoned, and I got on Rt. 666 by mistake.

Now I cant' find an exit anywhere....how the hell do I turn around?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2004 11:25 am
Seeker wrote:
Ooops - my post above only gave my quote and nothing else. I wanted to add that according to the Bible Jesus often discussed his death, and rose again afterwards. So how could it have been an unwanted event? Shocked

Oh, well if the Bible says that, I guess that settles it!!!!!

Let's just test this theory: Are you saying that if the Bible says it, it has to be true?
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Reply Mon 12 Jan, 2004 03:53 pm
No, Frank, I'm not. You're right, that came out wrong. You see, my original question was asking how the way Jesus died absolved our sins, and this is a Christian belief, so I was using Christian beliefs to study it. I assume the point you are making is that a real man named Jesus may have been crucified and the Gospel writers tried to then turn it into something more Godly, which is a point I had not thought of. Razz
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Reply Tue 13 Jan, 2004 09:57 pm
Hi slipstream and welcome to a2k.
Do you think that the belief that Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins is all it takes for you to be saved and go to heaven?

The simplicity of John 3:, which is one of the most well known quotes from the Bible, and very often dismissed as too simple answers your Q.

John 3:16,
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Lets say you accept this on your death bed or you are in an accident or plane about to go down or any other sudden death occurrance. If you accept this message and by faith submit yourself to this ; I believe that you will be saved and receive eternal life.

However... If you accept this message of Jesus as the way to God and to receive eternal life and have more days to live ahead of you, there has to be a repentence of sin. There has to be a spiritual rebirth within yourself. You have to begin to do the commandments and to follow the behavior taught in the Bible. A true rebirth within the spirit will not fail to accomplish a new you within. A new pattern of thinking dealing with mankind and your relationship with God/Jesus. 2 Cents
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2004 04:47 am
Ruach wrote:
Hi slipstream and welcome to a2k.
Do you think that the belief that Jesus died on the cross for all of our sins is all it takes for you to be saved and go to heaven?

The simplicity of John 3:, which is one of the most well known quotes from the Bible, and very often dismissed as too simple answers your Q.

John 3:16,
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

I tell you, Ruach, of all the nonsense in the Bible, there is none so pathetic as John 3:16.

Essentially -- stripped of all the window dressing -- here is what John 3:16 tells us:

The god of the Bible is saying that he will forgive humanity their sins...

...(and keep in mind that a sin is a thought, word, or deed of a human that offends the god)...

...the god will forgive humanity for all the things it does, did, or will do that offends him...

...but only if humanity first tortures and kills his son.

How more bizarre can a religion get?

That makes throwing virgins into a volcano look like strewing rose petals.

Whenever I see that those idiots who hold signs proclaiming "JOHN 3:16" behind home plate at baseball games or behind the goal posts at football games...

...I wonder why they don't have enough self-respect to hide the fact that such an abomination is an integral part of their religion.

With all due respect, Ruach, I wonder why you don't.
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Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2004 04:59 am
Apparently all you have to do is go to confession. Do whatever you like during the week, confess it on Sunday, and the kingdom of heaven is yours!
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Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2004 09:38 am
Wilso wrote:
Apparently all you have to do is go to confession. Do whatever you like during the week, confess it on Sunday, and the kingdom of heaven is yours!

I wish......
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Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2004 10:53 am
OK, I have a question. What about when person A says or does something that causes person B to sin? On who's head is that? And if person A realises and repents, can they 'pay off' person B's debt since it was their fault in the first place? If not, that's a pretty uncomfortable thing for A to know. Sad
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 14 Jan, 2004 11:06 am
Seeker wrote:
OK, I have a question. What about when person A says or does something that causes person B to sin? On who's head is that? And if person A realises and repents, can they 'pay off' person B's debt since it was their fault in the first place? If not, that's a pretty uncomfortable thing for A to know. Sad

A sin is something a human does that offends one of the gods.

The thing both A and B should do is to start "believing" in a god that doesn't offend so damn easily.

What both A and B should do is to look at the reality -- which is:

We don't even know if there is a GOD and if there is a GOD, we don't know what pleases or offends it -- so we should start judging what we do -- or in this case, cause others to do -- in human terms. Then A and/or B should effort to be the best they can be and put all this nonsense about "sin" out of their heads and their vocabularies.

Don't you think that is the best way to handle this?
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Reply Sat 17 Jan, 2004 08:52 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
if there is a GOD, we don't know what pleases or offends it -- so we should start judging what we do -- or in this case, cause others to do -- in human terms. Then A and/or B should effort to be the best they can be and put all this nonsense about "sin" out of their heads and their vocabularies.

Don't you think that is the best way to handle this?

Yes we do know what will please God or offend Him. I know that you probably read the Bible, but have you ever read the Quran? I am being serious. Islam has the answer to almost everything. If you read the Quran, God(Allah) specifically states what pleases Him and what does not. Try it bro.

Here this link goes straight to the Yusuf Ali translation of the Qur'an.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 17 Jan, 2004 08:56 am
QKid wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
if there is a GOD, we don't know what pleases or offends it -- so we should start judging what we do -- or in this case, cause others to do -- in human terms. Then A and/or B should effort to be the best they can be and put all this nonsense about "sin" out of their heads and their vocabularies.

Don't you think that is the best way to handle this?

Yes we do know what will please God or offend Him. I know that you probably read the Bible, but have you ever read the Quran? I am being serious. Islam has the answer to almost everything. If you read the Quran, God(Allah) specifically states what pleases Him and what does not. Try it bro.

Here this link goes straight to the Yusuf Ali translation of the Qur'an.


With all due respect...

...what if the Bible and the Qur'an are nothing but a bunch of stuff made up by humans pretending to be writing the words of GOD?

There is absolutely no way to KNOW if the Bible or the Qur'an is divinely inspired -- or simply the guesses of humans.

So we are right back to guessing.

I understand you BELIEVE the Qur'an actually tells us that there is a GOD and tells us what pleases and offends the GOD...

...but the fact that you BELIEVE all that does not make it so.

Do you understand that?
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Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2004 04:16 am
In response to the original question, I think Sealpoet put it best:

One requirement to get to heaven... you gotta be dead first.

Very Happy

I have thoughts on some of the comments made here, but a thoughtful response would encompass more words than I have time to type at the moment. Let's just say I think a lot of people are being narrow-minded and that I don't understand the need people have for proof before belief.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 18 Jan, 2004 05:38 am
caprice wrote:
In response to the original question, I think Sealpoet put it best:

One requirement to get to heaven... you gotta be dead first.

Very Happy

I have thoughts on some of the comments made here, but a thoughtful response would encompass more words than I have time to type at the moment. Let's just say I think a lot of people are being narrow-minded and that I don't understand the need people have for proof before belief.

Most people of intelligence truly are not looking for "proof" before "belief."

A "belief" is just a guess about the unknown.

It would be silly to ask anyone for "proof" of a guess.

Now every once in a while some of us as for a bit of reasoning to support the guesses...uhhh, "beliefs."

Most of the answers given are laughable -- and we note that -- and then we try to be as understanding as possible about the narrow-minded lunkheads that think we are being narrow-minded as a result.

If you would like to discuss this, Caprice, why don't we do so?
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Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 02:16 am
Frank Apisa

If you would like to discuss this, Caprice, why don't we do so?

Certainly. Upon rereading my post, I know it sounds unkind. And I apologize for that. To rephrase, I see a lot of comments on here that imply the poster sees things in black and white. I cannot know for certain since I don't read minds, but I wish people would be more open to the gray.

Years ago I used to ride the bus to school with a woman who lived across the street from me. (Technical post secondary, not high school.) It was well known in the neighbourhood that she and her family were devout Christians and I was a little leary of conversing with her at first. I expected her to try to convert me. But this wasn't the case at all. We had some very good conversations. I remember one time when she told me how in her youth everything was black and white. How there was right and wrong, good and evil. But as she had gotten older and experienced more of life, she realized life wasn't black and white, that there was a lot of gray. I've never forgotten that conversation.

I'm making an assumption here that those who do not believe in God and/or Jesus Christ as Lord (or, like yourself, do not acknowledge the presence or absence of the aforementioned) did at one time partake in religious ceremony of some type in their youth or have had some sort of exposure to Christianity. The sentiment amongst the "non-believers" seems to be that "believers" are fools or at least what they believe in is foolish. I guess that is what I mean by being narrow-minded. How can any of us say with any certainty how to get to heaven? (The original question of this thread.) Or that there even is a heaven? None of us can know this with the same certainty of knowing that, for example, if we pinch ourselves it will cause pain. How can anyone tell another with such conviction that "these are stories sold to the gullible" (as au1929 stated) or something of the like. How would any of us know? None of us were around when the Bible was written. If heaven exists, how can one person tell another "this is the way to do it" because they can't possibly know for certain. A person can have faith that they have lived the sort of life they believe will gain them entry to heaven, but it just seems to me to be a bit presumptuous to say "this will" or "this won't" when there is only one being who is going to make that decision and it isn't anyone on this chat board. I also find it presumptuous for anyone to say there isn't a heaven or that Jesus was nothing more than an ordinary man when they can't possibly know for certain.

Perhaps someone reading this will say I'm being presumptuous for stating that others are presumptuous. So be it. I know I'm far from perfect and my reasonings may not mean much to someone else but I will acknowledge that rather than state unequivocally that the other person is wrong and I'm right.

In the end, I don't think there is a truly definitive answer to the question at the start of this thread. As with many things in life there are no concrete answers. I'm okay with that. I'm okay with the idea that there will not be answers to a lot of the questions I have. At least not during my mortal life. That doesn't mean I won't continue to seek answers, won't continue to be curious. But I won't drive myself crazy with the why's of it all.

Although I've articulated some of my thoughts, I'm still not entirely satisfied with what I've written but it will have to do for now.

Back to you Frank! Very Happy

(P.S. Edited add-on)
Do I sound as though I'm judging?
It isn't my intent.
Just stating my opinions on what I see here.
There isn't a whole lot of ways to express tone with just typed out words. *sighs*
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 02:36 am
How to get to heaven?

1) Sit.
2) Open eyes.
3) Observe.

How to get to hell?

1) Run around.
2) Close mind(s).
3) Judge.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 04:47 am
Fair enough, Caprice.

If what you said in this most recent post is the way you truly feel...you should be able to better appreciate the agnostic position in all this.

Allow me to comment on just one item of this last post of yours.

You wrote:

I'm making an assumption here that those who do not believe in God and/or Jesus Christ as Lord (or, like yourself, do not acknowledge the presence or absence of the aforementioned)...

Well, Caprice, the agnostic position is a great deal more than just "...not acknowledging..." this or that!

Here is the agnostic position as I normally apply it to myself (obviously, I cannot speak for all agnostics):

1) I do not know the nature of REALITY nor do I know the answers to Ultimate Questions -- such as, "Is there a GOD?" "If there is a GOD, what is that GOD like?" "If there is a GOD, what pleases or offends that GOD?"

2) I do not see enough unambiguous evidence upon which to make a meaningful guess about these things.

3) I suspect that everyone else on the planet is in the same position -- but that most prefer to make guesses about these things anyway. Theists guess there is a GOD; atheists guess there are no gods; Christians (for instance) not only guess there is a GOD, but that they know what the GOD is like -- what pleases IT and what offends IT.

4) I think there is much more value in simply acknowledging that I do not know -- than in making guesses that essentially are pulled out of thin air.
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Reply Mon 19 Jan, 2004 04:30 pm
Frank Apisa

I have a question for ya.

I don't think it would be too far off the mark to assume you are a decent law-abiding human being. My question is, what makes you continue to be such a person? If God doesn't exist (and I realize you are acknowledging the possibility He does exist) and heaven doesn't exist, what is to stop you from indulging completely in all of your desires? Aside from a little thing called "the law" that is. Why would you not place yourself above all else?

Hmmm...I hope I am phrasing this in a way that gets my question across adequately but I fear it hasn't.

P.S. All the Christians I know refer to God as being of the male persuasion. Hence "He" rather than "IT". Smile

I know you know this...just curious as to why you would chose the words you did.

More to follow. (I know you're waiting on pins and needles over that! Very Happy)
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