Like some others, I never get involved in these discussions because of the seeming intolerance on both sides of the question. There are, certainly, a lot of views and, humanly, they are valid. I do not ask that you agree with me, only that my views are allowed without attack.
I believe it is a moot question as to whether God is necessary in this day and age...the simple fact, for me, is that He does exist. We only always point out the negative things in this world to ask where God is; ask what kind of God is this. There are positive things in this life which I think do point to his hand...the sunrise and sunset, the colors of the trees and flowers, the perfection of the birds, new babies and people when they do good to others.
We must remember that we are human, not perfect in our thoughts or seems we all want people to think like us, or be like us, making us rude and cruel in the process. We are at our worst when we point fingers at others: gays, agnostics, atheists, and say, "you must be like me, and if you are not.............."
Being a believer does not make me weak or stupid...and I try not to say the same about you, whatever your belief is. For me it is a simple matter of faith, cannot be reasoned with man's need for justification or rationale. There have been many events in my life that have caused me to question this, but I always come back to it. There are many things I have read that cause me to question, also..and although many of my views have changed...this one thing remains true for me.
thank you for letting me enter my