Quote:I was talking about Vaughn Walker
I am aware, but he is not the decider, SCOTUS is.
Quote:But, I do wonder if it opens the floodgates for all the crap we've heard will come next: polygamy, Fido the bride, and daddy and daughter nuptials
I wonder what institution is next to lose a definition from the collective, that will no longer have any agreed upon meaning. The collective voluntarily gave up defining family during my lifetime, we are likely about to lose the ability to define marriage by way of the courts and a lot of people want to dedefine marriage anyway so we might get there even if the court goes the right way this time. So what is next? Religion I assume, which given the Constitution will make things interesting around here. I can look forward to for instance the making of swinging a religion and so the clubs can be run tax free and partly protected from the law, so I guess this will have an upside for me. The lovers of weed will certainly form a religion, that one I might join as well. After religion gets dedefined IDK what comes next, or if we will finally have had our fill of this stupidity.