When I was a young man I loved to debate. As I grow older I realize I too do not know diddley squat about very many things and all the old arguments are dying one by one. I guess that's why I rarely stick with a debate thread very long at a time.
Edgar, I understand completely. My motives for engagement on these threads has to do, in part (see below) with a general interest in general topics, e.g., philosophy, religion, art, etc.), not always with the particular issues addressed. To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure what the title of this thread is; I'd have to go back and check. But I DO feel the need to respond to YOUR comment because it relates to MY needs and situation (narcissism reigns). This is the reason that my posts often only indirectly address the topic of the thread they are on. They oftem seem to be "ad hoc" responses to statements raised by others. This is SO true of the perennial issues like free-will vs determinism or the problem of God's existence, etc. etc. I've been arguing these matters since 1954. I remember my first frail efforts. I no longer consider them REAL problems, but I use them as vehicles for intellectual and social engagement with interesting and delightful people--like yourself.
Edgar, I failed to address your point, i.e., that you feel more and more that you do not know "diddley squat" about many things. That is the same with me. We are both in our sixties which attests to our experienced perspective, compared to that of youngsters. They have the advantage of brains that work faster than ours, but we have the advantage of being able to smile at their relatively greater naivte. When I engage in the perennial philosophical issues, I definitely do not do so because I feel I have the truth in any definitive sense. What I have is BELIEFS, mere opinions that I like to argue for. But as far as I'm concerned, no-one has the answers to the GREAT questions. What I see in these threads, therefore, is not comments that are authoritatively true or false; I see comments that are either clever or dumb, interesting or dull, creative or mere conventional platitude.
Brain gym - and it helps me learn.
And - sometimes - cos I know best, dammit!
Dlowan, the same applies to me as well. Except that "knows" best is probably best phrased "believes" best.
I did not see your responses until just now. I think we are on the same "brain wave" about a lot of things. I am minded of telling my 19 year old daughter (not many years back) "Hurry up and get a great job now while you still know everything."
On A2K I don't debate but rather enjoy conversations about matters that interest me. In true debate it is about taking a position and point scoring.
As an aside, one of my best learning experiences
came from exhibiting in an academic setting.
People from many disciplines took part....
I learnt from THEM about what MY art work meant!
cavfancier wrote:I consider myself a master debater, and sometimes a cunning linguist. Oldies but goodies...
I heard you was a known homo sapiens and a practicing thespian . . .
Cav, and are you a throw back to Homo Erectus?
Hmm....I DO enjoy playing with my words....I'd throw the homo erectus back to Gautam, and kick out the homo say-peein, cuz urine jokes are a buzzkill. As for thespians, I am not one, but I do prefer them in groups.
1. Because I like to argue
2. It helps me to learn more about my environment and fellow man
3. I like conversing with people
4. It's an outlet for my endless thinking
5. It's a great way to be heard