@mark noble,
mark noble wrote:
Hi All!
(except chosen excludees)
Greetings And Goodwill
Far better, is the slayer
That confesses to the kill
Than a pilgrimage of liars
Greetings and goodwill.
Do you agree or disagree?
Thank you, and prosper diligently!
Disagree and agree
Agree - because it feels right. I would rather know who the killer is, than hang out with some pleasant liars. The confessor is much more noble than the liars, more true to himself and others.
Disagree - the pilgrimate of liars are pleasant (sound pleasant, anyway). So if I want to shape my experiences/reality in a pleasant way, ignoring the true or false dilema, then liars greeting me are far much nicer to experience than a killer confessing his kill.
It goes down whether we believe in seeing the true or the pleasant
It also goes down to what "far better" means...
If I am to choose one, though, I would agree!