Well, my first thought would be "Invasion!", the army would be out there... so that's why I think it's a hoax. Why wouldn't the army be there, if this was the case? Why all this time delay and nobody seems to be in charge? The Laredo PD say it's not their jurisdiction, but it's got to be somebody's - Webb County? The Feds? Anyway, it's so weird, like a Twilight Zone movie.
That guy I quoted takes it all to heart, he has posts about proof and other examples, and other people are chiming in... I just don't think the American Govt. would stand for it. I should find his original post for you
Okay, here it is

This reads like something out of a Sci-Fi or Old West Comic Book - NOT 2010 America. Its unreal. The most Bizzare thing I have ever seen.
Read that last line about the local and national media in this country being ''silent'' on this so far.
You think??? Shocking....Not really, actually. ... It makes total sense, actually, if you think about it. 3 Reasons why WASHINGTON is IGNORING This and why they are SQUEEZING The Media to not cover this very loudly.
1 Its EMBARRASING!!! - Its one thing to have a ''Mysterious'' (even though most of us have been familiar with The Taliban, Al Quaeda and Al Jazzaara for years) Terrorist Group from The ''Far Away'' Middle East to fly across oceans and SNEAK Attack us like the DIRTY COWARDS they are on 9/11...it is QUITE ANOTHER to allow Soldiers in the Army (funded by The Drug Cartels) cross a MUTUAL BORDER that is LAND-LOCKED and SEIZE territory on OUR SIDE of The Border. Unreal.
2 I smell a RAT. I am not the usual Conspiracy Theorist but this would not be the FIRST TIME someone in Washington was having his palm greased by kickbacks of drug money coming into this country through the cartels. Dirty Rats.
3 Those folks in their fancy offices in Washington don't think it is IMPORTANT enough yet...The far tip of West Texas might as well be Mars to these screwballs. I am SO SICK of their tomfoolery!!! People are dying. Families are losing their homes. But it isn't even really considered AMERICA by them probably...but it IS. The town in the article (Laredo) is in the state of TEXAS (my state, incidentally) ... Also, Washington doesn't care as long as it is just poor Pedro who is trying to feed his family on $12 a day by being a farmer in Laredo Texas that is losing his farm. ... Trust Me, when it is some HOT SHOT Politician or Dignitary (especially if they are lining the pockets of some senator's re-election campaign) then you will hear ALL the Drums being Banged and the outrage being expressed from The White House.
The problem, folks, is these things NEVER get any BETTER ... They only escalate to more severe levels. yesterday it was an American citizen in West Texas being kidnapped. Then it was 1 ranch in America being seized...then 2 ranches...then a town...then 2 towns...then its closer to Central Texas and not just ''Deep West Texas'' anymore...THEN, Wshington HAS to send The Army in and you have battles in our streets. In America. Some people call that War.
I am not trying to sound hysterical, but this is real folks. It is real.
Lincoln expressed it most accurately when he first saw discontent brewing BEFORE The Civil War whenhe said:
''"In your hands, my dissatisfied fellow-countrymen, and not in mine, is the momentous issue of civil war. The Government will not assail you. You can have no conflict without being yourselves the aggressors. You have no oath registered in heaven to destroy the Government, while I shall have the most solemn one to preserve, protect, and defend it.''''
Now, President Lincoln was speaking about the internal battle that he saw looming in the Civil War but the principle remains the same for this current situation. Its unreal.
What happened to our government's ''solemn oath to protect and defend'' those of us in this country.
New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, California...we have been BEGGING for Federal Reinforcemetns. State Militias can not stand up to the heavy artillery these soldiers are using - arms bought by the Drug Money. The Arms Smuggling and The Drug Trade (as well as Human Slave Trading) - they are all interconnected.
This is NOT racism.
I am NOT talking about the poor man or woman that is trying to come into this country to live a better life or help their family...I SUPPORT those people.
Over the last 20 years, every proposed act of legislation for Immigration Law has been a joke. Either is has been FAR too LAX - or it has punished the wrong poor people.
We have to get this right, friends.
We are ALL Americans.
I am talking about THESE situations.
I am ending now. For those that read this...thank you...forgive my RED LINING Anger over this.
Please write a congressman, check out a website, call the Office of Homeland Security. Anything. Please. Thank you.
......Thursday, June, 28, 2010 I read that land on United States soil had been taken over by foreign soldiers......and wondered if anyone noticed.
How Freaking Bizzare.
I Love My Country So Very Much.
And I am So Deeply Ashamed of My Government today...