I'm on p. 279, and am sure now that I'll finish the book. I'd carefully recommend it. I somewhat dread each page or pages that show the writing of the author, Prado, that the fellow is trying to work out things about himself by reading... as those pages are in italics. The dread falls away though (maybe it's italics fear, harder for my eyes to read, or maybe it's reluctance to have to think yet again) as each time, I get interested in Prado's writing.
Whether it would interest you, Gosh, I don't know you well enough to say.
In my case, the book cost me $1.99 at Goodwill, so it would have only meant that if it annoyed me, it would just go in my sack to donate back to Goodwill.
I still haven't read reviews, will do that after I finish and see how much of them I agree with.
I do know it's not going to get donated back to Goodwill anytime soon.