Today's Urban Word of the Day is quite fitting and relevant:
Quote:Obsessive Computer Disorder 152 up, 53 down
July 12, 2010 Urban Word of the Day
To constantly be online or just on a personal computer for fun or entertainment. Also always thinking about anything computer related.
My father who has Obsessive Computer Disorder, a.k.a OCD, is always on the computer.
Here is a brief survey on the aesthetics and functionality of your computer.
I. Fundamentals
A. OS?
Windows Vista, Home Premium;
B. Browser?
Google Chrome ~ Fast, efficient, and far from a resource hog. So not like me.
C. Laptop or Desktop (or even smart phone if you don't own a computer)?
1. Make?
2. Model?
XPS M1730 ~ Built for gaming.
3. If laptop: do you lug it around, outside of your dwelling/home/office? Tried it on several occasions but its really too heavy for such lugging around;
D. Size of screen? 17 inches.
II. Aesthetics
A. Desktop wallpaper?
1. What is it now?
Well, I had a rare commercial up on my screen. A customizable wallpaper from Porsche, featuring a duel tone black, on black Porsche 911 turbo and the space shuttle. But I got embarrassed by its blatant commercialism so I switched it to this odd work of contemporary art I witnessed at the Brooklyn Museum of Art:

2. How often do you change it?
Frequently, or perhaps once a month;
B. Screensaver?
1. What is it?
I used to use SETI@home but since it crashes my computer when I installed it on this laptop, I no longer use any screensaver until I can figure out how to use the BOINC program;
2. How long does take to turn on during moments of inactivity?
3. How long have you been using this screensaver?
How often do you change it? Prior to this laptop ... I've been using SETI@home for about a decade or slightly less;
C. Resolution of your screen?
1. Is it maxed out?
Nope. I changed it to 1600 b 1200 to see what that new Porsche wallpaper would look like in a much higher resolution. I finally gotten used to having a2k at such a high resolution that I'm not tempting to max out my screen resolution right now.
2. Do you have problems reading the text or watching videos on your screen?
D. Multimedia
1. Do you watch movies on your computer?
a. DVD's or BluRay discs?
b. Online streaming?
c. Psychic streaming/projection via demonic possession?
2. Do you listen to music?
3. Listen to online radio? Concerts? Podcasts?
E. Headphones or speakers or nothing at all? 2.1 speakers from Logitech;
III. Any miscellaneous optional questions that I obviously forgot but you'd like to add?