anonymous6059 wrote:
I am under the current understanding that public education in the United States is for creating desirable citizens, not acknowledged individuals. Now, I am not saying this is a negative, this is how society can exist and grow, still who exactly controls what information the public will be educated in I do not know. Also, if that education is best for the individual I also do not know. However, I am sure there is some level of propaganda in the education system.
Hello Anonymous. Thank you for your response. I think here in the United States government is the determining judge for what it taught in our public educational system?
That’s the system I really know about. I did attend one year of
higher? learning that did cost, but only a year of that. Couldn’t
afford any more that that and I think that is a major part of our entire educational system. If one does not have what society and the government deem appropriate the doors of learning are closed to them if they don’t have the means to enter those doors.
This is my take on our educational system here. It’s a filtering system that sets people up for the auction block! From the time they enter they are judged/graded/scored on how well they CAN obey, with very little attention to who they really are and what they do know that comes easily to them and why they have to study/cram to get those good grades. And yes you are accurate if they do; they do become desirable and they will be acknowledged.
That word, desirable, should be reserved for only two people; a man and a woman and not just any two. Hopefully they will come together. NO PUN INTENDED. Perhaps they will become attracted to each other when people stop desiring to make spectacles of themselves. They do say there’s good money in it? Damn! Perhaps being famous, popular and so known is not such a good thing.
Please understand I was a poor student and barely graduated. Ha, I cheated too. Hell, I had to. I never could seem to abide by being taught/told what I should and should not do or learn as far back as I can remember? That is one thing I do have, a good memory. No subjects for that though as many have to study like hell to learn what they are told if they want to know what is
good for them.
Only an individual themselves can know what is good for them. They will naturally gravitate toward that. When another dictates what they should know, that person is veered off course and becomes a slave to the very system that programmed them and they become a commodity..................for sale. Like a stalk of corn being raise for the grist mill.
What we learn begins in the womb from the moment we enter this physical domain and that male female connection is made. In that first nine months I think all of us would be greatly surprised as to what we do learn in that limited time we do spend there before we observe the light of day; that particular event horizon. Without going in to all that we do to the young in that state, I’ll just leave it at that so I don’t lose my composure.
Anon, I am truly not familiar what is being taught in schools these days but I do know it can use a lot of improvement. Let me just say this and I have offered it before. We bring with us a program already in tack. Now who or what is doing that we will possibly never know. Now popular consensus is that one is GOD. He determines what we bring and what we don’t.
Now let’s, you and I, just believe this is true for the moment. If we did know that. how would we treat that new being? Would we not allow that one to be free to adapt and come to recognize that they were once familiar with.
It is now assumed they are nothing until we TEACH them? Of course we would not do that. We would make sure their time in that womb would be a most comfortable one. We would truly welcome that new being into this world and do all we could to allow them to continue.
The reason we don’t remember, is because that God, has STRICKEN all that was not appropriate from that ones memory/mind/record. Our educational system now keeps cramming it back into them what the highest authority as already determined is not to be known by that individual. It is forgotten and forgiven.
Now I know I ask you to believe this and you do have the freedom to determine whether you will or won’t. I ask that you think about it a lot as you observe what is happening in this world now. All of that is because many don’t believe what they are being taught or told to learn. They are just fending for themselves and surviving anyway they can. See list.
Please consider the words ADULTS ONLY and the child venturing into those domains that exist there secreted from their naturally peering view? That’s one hell of a legacy for them to look forward to. Huh? Please, no rationalizing, just think about it. It’s those same adults that are teaching our young!!!!
Now Anon let me offer what could to be done NOW. If one does enroll there child in a public educational system, in those first few years there needs to be TWO people/teachers. One man and one woman devoted to each other in each class room. Preferably young couples who have not had children but truly want to. I know finding such a couple, will not be easy. I think there should be an extended search for them so those, so very many young people who have no idea of what a loving relationship is between a man and a woman, could observe what that relationship at least looks like!