@Robert Gentel,
Well, I need wifi and 3G...that's A$ 1,049.00 for a 64GB device and only a bit less for a 32 GB.
I'll need to look into what value of electrical items I can bring back duty free and the cost OS before making up my mind. I'll be travelling on the smell of an oily rag.
For me cutting down on paper books (much as I love them) is a wonder and a glory!!! I currently read on my iPhone, but it really is a bit too small.
I can get less new books on e devices than you, I would guess, as we adhere to the English rather than US side of the great publishing divide.
No benefit to buying in the USA...US$829
Not available in Singapore yet!!!
Looks like I'll be holding off and saving money big time until I can afford one.
Unless Singapore has 'em by September 2nd and they're cheaper.