Welcome, K.V.Shanker, it is good to have you on a2k.
It has been many years since reading Milton's Paradise Lost, but I think it is a good example of the divinity of evil. There are excellent philosophers on a2k who will most likely show up fairly soon and give you a good dialogue on good and evil. As far as I'm concerned, there is no way to establish a world of only good or only evil since all of us are capable of both, even though we hate to admit to the possiblity of doing evil.
It would be impossible to appreciate the goodnes and beauty of our world and the people in it without the comparison with ugliness and evil. As you said, evil is still very much with us.
I look forward to reading more as others join in the discussion.
(BiPB--all your pillaging and philandering has probably produced some good music, but go ask Squinny for money--you'll get nothing from me.
If you get the tattoo, show us some pictures.)