The Qur'an and/or the Bible

Fatal Freedoms
Sat 7 Mar, 2009 02:38 pm
Fatihah;64461 wrote:
Response: Amazing. You have also beautifully unanswered the question. The good thing about the thread is that it's in black and white for all eyes to see how the challenge posted in post#12 and further explained in post#17 is being danced around.

Negative proof fallacy

Negative proof fallacy

Negative proof fallacy

Negative proof fallacy

Negative proof fallacy

Negative proof: Information from Answers.com

Buddy, no matter how many times you try to ignore it, by asking us to prove you wrong you are committing one of the oldest logical fallacies. Something isn't true simply because it hasn't been proven wrong.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Mar, 2009 10:33 am
Fatihah;64460 wrote:
Response: You have beautifully unanswered the question.

So I am to assume that you cannot back up the claims you make? You're the one that claims divine inspiration and power based off of a single book.

If not, then your claims are baseless. Just because a book say something does not make it so in any sense of the word. You need evidence, you need to be able to back up what you say.

So far, you have not. You have argued the same old tired logical fallacies that attempt to start with your preconceived notion and push the burden on others. You are the one that comes forth with a claim, it is you which must provide evidence to back up these claims. A single book by itself is by no means evidence, you need to be able to back up your claims with evidence that does not require this book, otherwise you fall into a circular argument... yet another logical fallacy.
Mon 9 Mar, 2009 02:23 pm
xexon;64329 wrote:
Cults of the dead. Their masters long gone. Sheep wandering all over the hills.

Easily spooked too.

Belief is a dangerous thing. It is best to do away with it. The only way to dispel belief is with direct perception. Only then will you know what the word of God is.

You'll know it never comes from a book.


The masters long gone? And this invalidates his teaching because society changes, cultures change? Do you actually know what the "MASTER" had to say about the NONSENSE that you are espousing? Of course not...its clear you know nothing about what the Holy Scriptures teach and inform us about the divine nature of God, yet you want to use ad hominem personal philosophy to debunk the truth found in the Holy Scriptures? :rollinglaugh:

As I said Jesus indeed had something to say about your logic or the lack thereof. On one occasion the Sadducees came to Jesus...clearly to put him to the test with a question pertaining to the resurrection. In their minds they had concocted the perfect challenge...and unanswerable query..a paradox, in an attempt to prove his lack of wisdom. Thus, they asked, "If a woman had seven husbands in this life.....whose wife would she be in the resurrection?" Jesus, very well knew their wicked intent....and their obviously clear ignorance of the scriptures. He simply explained, "...in the resurrection they neither marry or are given in marriage." (Matthew 22:30) He then said to the Sadducees, "But concerning the resurrection of the dead, HAVE YOU NOT READ WHAT WAS "spoken" by God, saying, 'I am the God Abraham...the God of Isaac....and the God of Jacob'? GOD IS NOT THE GOD of the DEAD but of the living." (Matthew 22:31-32).

Take note...THE MASTER HIMSELF (Jesus)....was quoting from a segment of scripture that was then, at that time almost 1500 years old...a passage taken from the Pentateuch (Ex. 3:6). This was written eons before the Sadducees were even born. In the text God was speaking to Moses ( A master under the Old Law), who himself had a much different culture than those living at that time in the 1st century. And yet...The Master informs us that these WORDS OF GOD are an everlasting truth that still must be followed even after such a lengthy time span. Thus, its clear, THE MASTER"S teaching concerning the WRITTEN WORD...is as far from your PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY as night is from day.

Any one can gain several important lessons from just this one brief recording of something that happened over 2000 years ago. First we learn that God still speaks to everyone through His revealed word even after centuries of elapsed time.....just as He was speaking to the Sadducees 2000 years ago, to present an unchanging absolute truth. Second...the ideology that you are attempting to propagate is extremely dangerous..while it may be true that the scriptures must be considered in the cultural sitting in which they were first revealed....its proven via the MASTERS own words...its nonsense to declare that the Words of God which are written...no longer apply simply because they were written years ago...and thus they no longer apply because SOMETHING HAS CHANGED. What has changed is society and its humanistic and prideful approach to God and His revelations.....Men may change....Society may change....but the truth and advise given by God and proven to be truth time and time again in Actual Science and History Actual...NEVER CHANGES.

Thus its very easy to observe your deflection in NOT WANTING these absolute truths to have the authority to JUDGE "YOU"...thus this nonsensical presentation of humanistic witchcraft and occultism. :ban:
0 Replies
Tue 10 Mar, 2009 06:19 am
Sabz5150;64468 wrote:
So I am to assume that you cannot back up the claims you make? You're the one that claims divine inspiration and power based off of a single book.

If not, then your claims are baseless. Just because a book say something does not make it so in any sense of the word. You need evidence, you need to be able to back up what you say.

So far, you have not. You have argued the same old tired logical fallacies that attempt to start with your preconceived notion and push the burden on others. You are the one that comes forth with a claim, it is you which must provide evidence to back up these claims. A single book by itself is by no means evidence, you need to be able to back up your claims with evidence that does not require this book, otherwise you fall into a circular argument... yet another logical fallacy.

Response: Your inability to answer the challenge presented in post #12 is no fault of mine.
Tue 10 Mar, 2009 08:26 am
Fatihah;64510 wrote:
Response: Your inability to answer the challenge presented in post #12 is no fault of mine.

It certainly is. You are using the book to validate the book. That's a circular argument. The only thing it shows is that you cannot validate your deity or text outside of themselves. This alone invalidates both.

There is no challenge, merely a fool's question, which speaks of the person presenting it.

You're going to have to try much harder than that.
Fatal Freedoms
Tue 10 Mar, 2009 10:58 am
Fatihah;64510 wrote:
Response: Your inability to answer the challenge presented in post #12 is no fault of mine.

Then what should I take it? That he cannot disprove your god and you cannot prove your god. If this the case then you are still greatly disadvantaged.
Wed 11 Mar, 2009 03:35 am
Sabz5150;64511 wrote:
It certainly is. You are using the book to validate the book. That's a circular argument. The only thing it shows is that you cannot validate your deity or text outside of themselves. This alone invalidates both.

There is no challenge, merely a fool's question, which speaks of the person presenting it.

You're going to have to try much harder than that.

Response: And once again, you still haven't answered the challenge. Instead you have forced yourself into making it seem as if this simple challenge is illogical but the unfortunate part about that whole argument is that you can't produce any evidence as to why. So not only have you failed in the challenge but you also can't even produce any logical evidence as to why the challenge isn't substantial. That argument alone further proves the authenticity of the qur'an.
Wed 11 Mar, 2009 03:38 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;64520 wrote:
Then what should I take it? That he cannot disprove your god and you cannot prove your god. If this the case then you are still greatly disadvantaged.

Response: Not at all. If you fail the challenge, then my case is proven correct. A great disadvantage on his part, not mine.
Wed 11 Mar, 2009 04:20 am
Fatihah;64544 wrote:
Response: And once again, you still haven't answered the challenge. Instead you have forced yourself into making it seem as if this simple challenge is illogical but the unfortunate part about that whole argument is that you can't produce any evidence as to why. So not only have you failed in the challenge but you also can't even produce any logical evidence as to why the challenge isn't substantial. That argument alone further proves the authenticity of the qur'an.

The challenge isn't substantial because you have yet to show that something. Your book states something, but there is no other evidence to support this claim. It's that simple. I can produce a book that says I can fly, but until I actually take flight, it means nothing. I can provide books about dragons, unicorns and aliens, but unless I provide physical evidence of their existence, they are just that... books.

So, I need you to do a few things: tell me what was done and provide evidence for it outside of this book. If you can do that, then you have completed the challenge and the weight is on my shoulders.

You still have not, instead you repeatedly fall back on a logical fallacy, thus failing to prove the authenticity of your book.

Your challenge stating a verse of "Will they not, then, meditate upon the qur'an? Had it been from anyone other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy" uses the book to attempt to validate the book itself. Again, this is similar to me providing a book saying I can fly, and then show you inside this book a like saying "If this book says he can fly, he can most surely fly!" - It doesn't work that way. Your challenge eats itself before it can be presented or answered.

Of course you have refused any other arguments, constantly falling back on your logical mismatch, using its circular loop fallacy as an escape. If you truly had any physical evidence that would validate your book or deity, you would have presented it.

Put simply: Your argument is illogical because the object being validated cannot validate itself, which you are attempting to do.

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but we're all laughing at you because of this.
Fatal Freedoms
Wed 11 Mar, 2009 05:48 am
Fatihah;64545 wrote:
Response: Not at all. If you fail the challenge, then my case is proven correct. A great disadvantage on his part, not mine.

not disproven =/= proven
Wed 11 Mar, 2009 08:01 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;64550 wrote:
not disproven =/= proven

He doesn't get it... the scientific method of inquiry is a completely foreign concept to him.
Fatal Freedoms
Wed 11 Mar, 2009 10:01 am
Sabz5150;64559 wrote:
He doesn't get it... the scientific method of inquiry is a completely foreign concept to him.

It's not the scientific method, it's simple logic. I do not understand how he can beat upon the same drum when it has so many holes in it. I've point out to him the specific formal logical fallacy he's committed, and yet he dismisses it as if it were nothing.
Thu 12 Mar, 2009 07:59 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;64568 wrote:
It's not the scientific method, it's simple logic. I do not understand how he can beat upon the same drum when it has so many holes in it. I've point out to him the specific formal logical fallacy he's committed, and yet he dismisses it as if it were nothing.

Because to him it isn't a fallacy. In his mind, this MUST be right, this deity MUST exist for the world to exist. Logic may fly true in every other case, but everything must bow to this one single belief.

0 Replies
Fri 13 Mar, 2009 01:53 pm
Sabz5150;64546 wrote:
The challenge isn't substantial because you have yet to show that something. Your book states something, but there is no other evidence to support this claim. It's that simple. I can produce a book that says I can fly, but until I actually take flight, it means nothing. I can provide books about dragons, unicorns and aliens, but unless I provide physical evidence of their existence, they are just that... books.

So, I need you to do a few things: tell me what was done and provide evidence for it outside of this book. If you can do that, then you have completed the challenge and the weight is on my shoulders.

You still have not, instead you repeatedly fall back on a logical fallacy, thus failing to prove the authenticity of your book.

Your challenge stating a verse of "Will they not, then, meditate upon the qur'an? Had it been from anyone other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy" uses the book to attempt to validate the book itself. Again, this is similar to me providing a book saying I can fly, and then show you inside this book a like saying "If this book says he can fly, he can most surely fly!" - It doesn't work that way. Your challenge eats itself before it can be presented or answered.

Of course you have refused any other arguments, constantly falling back on your logical mismatch, using its circular loop fallacy as an escape. If you truly had any physical evidence that would validate your book or deity, you would have presented it.

Put simply: Your argument is illogical because the object being validated cannot validate itself, which you are attempting to do.

I hate to be the one to break this to you, but we're all laughing at you because of this.

Response: It is either you don't understand simple english or you still insist on dancing around the challenge because you lack the humility to state the fact that the challenge proves the qur'an's authenticity. What was done has been explained in post #17. Also, your analogy is an obvious poor example to anyone who reads it and yet somehow you've managed to epress it anyway and stand by it with such confidence.

Here is what I said:
"Will they not, then, meditate upon the qur'an? Had it been from anyone other than Allah, they would have found therein much discrepancy" In other words, if you can point out at least one discrepancy in the qur'an than it would discredit it from being the word of Allah because my claim is that God can not make a book filled with discrepancy.

Your analogy in comparison is as follows:
"Again, this is similar to me providing a book saying I can fly, and then show you inside this book a like saying "If this book says he can fly, he can most surely fly!"

Your quotation specifically says that you can fly because the book says so. My quotation does not say that. Nothing in my quotation says that the qur'an is true because it says so. My quotation is asking you to point out a discrepancy. (an illogical fact) Clearly they are saying two completely different things and yet for some reason, you're reading simple english, and insist that both statements say the same thing!!!

So since you obviously can't seem to understand simple english then perhaps the idea of further dialogue is pointless on both sides. (Hopefully the english in this post isn't difficult as well).
0 Replies
Fri 13 Mar, 2009 01:56 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;64550 wrote:
not disproven =/= proven

Response: Exactly.
Fatal Freedoms
Sat 14 Mar, 2009 09:35 am
Fatihah;64613 wrote:
Response: Exactly.


you do know what this symbol =/= means right? I don't think you do, otherwise you wouldn't have agreed with me considering that my statement undermines your whole argument.

PS. =/= means "does not equal"
Sun 29 Mar, 2009 04:12 am
0 Replies
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 04:49 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
I think it is you that does not understand it. For if you did, you would have understood my response.
0 Replies
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 07:37 am
Is it true that Mohammed was an illiterate goat herder who made his way in life by marrying and burying several affluent wives? Is it true he married and f*cked a nine year old girl?

You people are batshit crazy.
Mon 12 Nov, 2012 07:09 pm
Being that you can't provide any proof that Muhammad(saw) was a goat herder, had sex with a 9 year old, or any other claim you made, that alone shows who's the clear fool.

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