Thu 27 Nov, 2003 07:14 am
Someone advised that I create a new thread for each question, and I think that's smooferilious idea (see that clary???) so, here we are. I priomise not to post to many questions at one time - I don't want to poop anyone out :-)
Assuming that complete recovery were instantaneous, would you be willing to accept a year of complete paralysis below the neck to prevent the otherwise extinction of the Blue Whale?
assuming the recovery was instantaneous....I don't know if I could bear it...I am just thinking of all the things I would miss...but then would only be for a year....I think I could do it.
I have to be much more emphatic than the previous posters...
No f***ing way !!!
Sorry blue whale .....
Lest you think I'm a starry-eyed idealist, I'd write a book about the experience and rake in the dough.
Edited : I think that my response was in poor taste....
Do I get a blue whale penis at the end?
Although the extinction of the Blue Whale is an important matter, I believe I would only do it if the situation were more serious and would include saving a loved one instead.
Gautam obviously hasn't seen the latest zippy wheelchairs. Prop up my head, get me a good paid attendant or three, and I'm good to go.
(Not to trivialize what guadraplegics endure, but not to minimize what they're capable of, either.) (She says, having worked with several.)
not a chance. ive been paralised from the waist down for 3 days, and that was hell. maybe id do it for, like skiing or something, but not whales. and yeah a whale penis would be a possible incentive :wink:
I am not sure how disabling a lone individual helps a specific group of individuals. It is like asking if you are ready to die for your country. A sane individual would recognize the questions were, at best, miss phrased.
The latter should be:
Are you willing to fight for your country?
Taken in that context your original question might seem more realistic and the actual act more productive if one envisions, say, becoming a Green Peace member that subsequently risks life and limb by trying to hamper large whaling vessels, in the pursuit of their prey.
I always remember my Drill Sargent insisting that his goal was not to train us to "Die for our country" but enable us to stay alive and therefore be more effective towards national security.
Implicit in both examples is the risk of injury and death. A simplistic, specific and direct trading of one's physical or mental effectiveness for another's well being makes little sense. In addition the promise of regaining all that is lost removes nobility from the act, the time lost notwithstanding.
So the short answer to your question is: NO.
1) Sounds like a good chance to catch up on my reading, studying and writing. Meditate. Compose music. Catch up with old acquaintances, hang out and really chat. Poker and beer at my place! I could take up photography or painting. Or park me outdoors and there's plenty enough to see and do, even without arms or legs.
2) And truth is, my life is already a nightmare far more challenging than being a quadripelegic, so one more thing wouldn't make that much difference.
3) Also, blue whales can live as a species far more than any single person I can imagine. That's a huge amount of experience to extinguish!
4) Most things that happen in the world have absolutely nothing to do with any human being. The cultural value of a whole species to the world is enormous. With the extinction of the Blue Whales, a whole range of rich and robust experience would be lost. Our resiliency would be diminished. Our health, variety, options, biological and systemic activity would become smaller and weaker, not catastrophically but a bit stunted. Again, I'm not talking about you or your particular species. I'm talking about us, and the cultural heritage of the world.
5) Just because I have some loved ones that I care deeply about doesn't mean I disrespect or can't love others. Loving one person doesn't mean I exclude, devalue or ignore other people. Or other life forms. For me, the ability to love and care is autonomous and comes from within, not from some external "one-and-only" relationship.
Respect has little regard for who I happen to be looking at.
Even if that thing is a blue whale.
6) My arms and legs are pitifully minor compared to the extinction of an entire species. Just one year? Phhttt! Hundreds of things that I (and most people around me) have gone through are far worse!
7) Oh yeah. Sex. Well, most of the orgasms I've given have not involved anything below my neck. Like they say, "It's all in the head".
There is no idealism or morality involved here. It's just what I value.
I might. I'd truly have to think long and hard on that one, but I could see myself doing that.
Yes under the following conditions:
1. Voice controlled computer, cable TV, lots of books, unlimited supply of DVD to be provided.
2. 3 sexy, intelligent caring attendants working in shifts for a 24 hour coverage.
3. A chef of my choosing available everyday.
Yes. Absolutely - no cavils.
I hate these theoretical morals questions.
The problem with getting a blue whale penis is that you'd have to find a woman with a blue whale blow hole to get any action......and that is NOT a pretty mental picture.........
Hmmm...BPB is right there, so my answer is no.
Going by that logic I shud go for reduction surgery