My thoughts exactly. If I didn't buy my son stuff on Christmas he would feel neglected because all the other kids get stuff. Hell, I'd never hear the end of how cruel of a mom I am.
Yes, I do think A2K will be around in 5 or 10 years and of course the regulars will be posting. I met many people here on another forum over 4 years ago and we are all still hanging out enjoying eachothers company.
Yes, my son would say I was cruel if I didn't shower him with gifts at Christmas :-(
Thank you for the compliment, that made my day.
I guess all we can do is to keep on truckin ;-)
Montana wrote:Yes, I do think A2K will be around in 5 or 10 years and of course the regulars will be posting.
And I can guarantee that Christmas will
STILL suck even then! Or I'll still be insisting that it does!
My siblings and I are all we've got left in the world (other than our spousal units & children) and the whole realm of gifting... thinking about them & what they want and could use, imagining their surprise, wrapping it nicely, presenting it at a special occasion... all those things are important to us. We don't go overboard. For example, I am getting my three sisters Pashmina scarfs I bought on eBay... each in a special color picked out for her. Not expensive, but very nice and every time they wear them, I hope they'll think nice thoughts of me.
I do shower Mr.P with gifts -- why not? We don't spend more than we have and it is fun for us. If I didn't buy him some things, he'd never feel right spending the money to get them for himself.
I have a bit of a quarrel with the "Only for the Kids" attitude. Why should kids get all the fun? Further, why should kids get all the fun and then at some to-be-determined age, not get all the fun anymore? It doesn't make sense to me.
I used gift-giving as a way to teach my kids that they need to be able to dream, to imagine what they might really want... even if they don't get it. I think very few people know what they really want; they are so limited by what is available/what they can afford/what they think they should want. Of course, we don't get everything we want, but I want my kids to be allowed to dream wildly -- that's the way I live my life. Sometimes those wild dreams are more accessible than we think.
My brother and I have both got mortgages. We don't have the money for the gesture of a gift for a holiday that neither of us actually believes in anyway. It's ridiculous.
I think small, meaningful, gifts year round are better than whacks of gifts at Christmas. The whole focus on lots of gifts at Christmas seems like a middle-class perversion of what Christmas was meant to be about.
Piffka,I enjoyed your last post.
When do we not get all the fun any more?
Very good.I still have fun at Christmas too.
I know what you mean, ehbeth.
Ceili here is a present for you. My unrequited cyber love. It's the thought that counts, eh? :wink:
Aww Bear thats just too sweet and to think, you even added a canadianism just to make it seem closer to home.
Right back at ya, eh!
ehBeth wrote:I think small, meaningful, gifts year round are better than whacks of gifts at Christmas. The whole focus on lots of gifts at Christmas seems like a middle-class perversion of what Christmas was meant to be about.
Or maybe it is a throwback to the Saturnalia-type festivals of the pre-Christians?
Indeed margo.Thanks!
What with the hebblet and the wood and stuff,a2k gets knocked down the "to do" list.
Hoping that everyone is well and happy.
Twice in one week? It must be Christmas! And the Hebblet... awwwwwww.
I've heard the Danes go quite wild at this time of year.

Please tell me this is true!
Piffka I can't believe that someone full of Christmas spirit and love would refer to their husband, chosen life partner, soul mate, as a "spousal unit". How de-humanizing.
I was just starting to feel Christmasy too, you old scrooge you.
Thanks D et R... Sounds like some bear got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.