Nah, I'm a big fan of Labor Day. That's a good one.
I know! This is why we should stop the humbugs from taking over this thread again. Everyone, let us have a singsong!
People would kill themselves anyway, because of the winter. People kill themselves all the time, which is sad. Abolishing a holiday wouldn't stop feelings of loneliness; in fact, it would give more people less to which they could look forward.
There was a feature on the radio this morning. One of the goals for the Toronto Police and affiliated agencies is to get through the season without any holiday-related domestic murders. They've pretty much accepted that there will be domestic assault related to the stress of the season, but they're hoping for no deaths. That is soooooo sad - and emblematic of how difficult the season is for people who feel they are facing a world which demands they be particularly happy and successful when they are not.
Domestic violence on Christmas? For shame, fellows. Can't you wait until the Super Bowl?
---thinking----frolicking with strange Slovenians in Paraguay for Christmas cheer---lots of wine---hmmm......
Could I bring along a certain skinny cowboy?
Mr. Stillwater, did I see a ripple of interest on the calm surface of your face? No, I guess you were just zoned out. Bah, humbug, by Dickens, you will make this a dreary holiday if it kills you. First, join the happenings in Paraguay--you might want to start a revolution, before giving in to the awfulness of commercial Christmas.
Soz, that diarrhea brown reminded me of my sons at Christmas. It will bring back fond memories 20 years from now. Yes, Elvis is really cool. Thanks for posting her artwork.
Children are what makes Christmas magical. It's never the same when they grow up; although the familial gathering is wonderful, the magic fades.
Yes, of course you can, Diane! I'll even give you one of the good rooms, with a nice view and a big four-poster bed. As it involves strange Slovenians, we have lots of wine too, French vintage. Would you want to spend your Christmas with people moaning about how terrible Christmas is, or would you rather have a good time?
Mr. Stillwater is a secret Christmas frolicker; I just know it. A Christmas in Paraguay will bring out the reveler in anyone, so he probably won't accept. We'll get Deb to kidnap him.
I liked it! I was glad that Soz posted it. It looked like a fish to me. I couldn't agree with you more about Christmas; the magic in their eyes is what makes it special for adults.
Thanks for pointing out the fish, btw, drom. I see it now. I DO see the rainbow, too, but it's such a BROWN rainbow!
Ah well, if I stage-manage too much (give her a little square of paper, give her a brush loaded with some nice cheery red, just red) it's not really her. So maybe I'll give the smears to people with a sense of humor. :-P
Well, maybe not to friends who happen to work in medical labs. LOL
kayka75 wrote:That is so mean how could you say that? It may not be a day you want to give gifts but it is a day to spend with your family to celebrate christ! It is not for you and the dumb word (Bah humbug) It is for those who care for others! 
I've been told, I think (?!). Thanks Drom for your sincere (but odd) invitation to get it on with Slovaks in Paraguay. Since the 1980s I've had to steer clear of Polish women, so it could be a learning experience...
Margo, you are under observation, petal..... Jus' remember there is always the day
AFTER Christmas!
Soz: no problem! There is a clear fish there; it looks like a pike. I know no one who wouldn't think that the Sozlet pictures are adorable as they are. Turn it on its side, get her to write 'fish,' and then people can't complain that it's a rainbow gone wrong...
I think that kayka was referring to patiodog and his 'Suicidal Christmas' elaborations. As for accepting the Paraguay thing; yay! If you can't come this year, we'll have to drag you to the next one.Who wouldn't love getting it on with Slovaks in Paraguay??
Drom, the idea has a distinct appeal though the image is a little fuzzy. It is fun just to say... Slovaks in Paraguay.
Errrr, about the Sozlet fish... are you sure it's not a Rainbow Trout?
I love that Mr.Stillwater called Margo "Petal." That is so sweet! He's obviously getting the spirit.
Ooooh yes, Mr. Stillwater is softening. We all knew that those aussie women are irresistible!! Hee, hee, hee. Mr. Still water is an old softy!
Quote:the ritual Boxing Day 3-hour drive to Blayney (second worst place in the universe)
As expected, the Universe looks after its own in very mysterious ways....
Around that Polish lassie I was anything but soft!
How about a music video to cheer up all of us christmas haters. I didn't know where to post this, but it looked like you guys could use a good laugh.