Don't Rush to Judge

Reply Tue 29 Jul, 2008 08:31 am
Some people!' snorted a man standing behind me in the long line at
the grocery store.

'You would think the manager would pay attention and open another
line, 'said a woman. I looked to the front of the line to see what the hold
up was and saw a well dressed, young woman, trying to get the machine to
accept her credit card. No matter how many times she swiped it, the machine
kept rejecting it.

'It's one of them welfare card things. Damn people need to get a job
like everyone else, ' said the man standing behind me. The young woman turned
around to see who had made the comment. 'It was me,' he said, pointing to

The young lady's face began to change expression. Almost in tears,
she dropped the welfare card onto the counter and quickly walked out of the
store. Everyone in the checkout line watched as she began running to her car.
Never looking back, she got in and drove away.

After developing cancer in 1977 and having had to use food stamps; I
had learned never to judge anyone, without knowing the circumstances of their
life. This turned out to be the case today.

Several minutes later a young man walked into the store. He went up
to the cashier and asked if she had seen the woman. After describing her, the
cashier told him that she had run out of the store, got into her car, and
drove away.

'Why would she do that?' asked the man. Everyone in the line looked
around at the fellow who had made the statement. 'I mad e a st upid comment
about the welfare card she was using. Something I shouldn't have said. I'm
sorry,' said the man.

'Well, that's bad, real bad, in fact. Her brother was killed in
Afghanistan two years ago. He had three young children and she has taken on
that responsibility. She's twenty years old, single, and now has three
children to support,' he said in a very firm voice.

'I'm really truly sorry. I didn 't know,' he replied, shaking both
his hands about. The young man asked, Are these paid for?' pointing to the
shopping cart full of groceries. 'It wouldn't take her card,' the clerk told
him. 'Do you know where she lives?' asked the man who had made the comment.
'Yes, she goes to our church.' Excuse me,' he said as he made his way to the
front of the line. He pulled out his wallet, took out his credit card and
told the cashier, 'Please use my card. PLEASE!' The clerk took his credit
card and began to< FONT c olor=black> ring up the young woman's groceries.

Hold on,' said the gentleman. He walked back to his shopping cart and
began loading his own groceries onto the belt to be included. 'Come on
people. We got three kids to help raise!' he told everyone in line.

Everyone began to place their groceries onto the fast moving belt. A
few customers began bagging the food and placing it into separate carts. 'Go
back and get two big turkeys,' yelled a heavyset woman, as she looked at the
man. 'NO,' yelled the man. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. The entire
store became quiet for several seconds. 'Four turkeys,' yelled the man.
Everyone began laughing and went back to work.

When all was said and done, the man paid a total of $1,646.57 for the
groceries. He then walked over to the side, pulled out his check book, and
began writing a check using the bags of dog food piled near the front of the
store for a writing surface. He turned around and handed the check to the
young man. 'She will need a freezer and a few other things a s well,' he
told the man.

The young man looked at the check and said, 'This is really very
generous of you.'

'No,' said the man. 'Her brother was the generous one.'

Everyone in the store had been observing the odd commotion and began
to clap. And I drove home that day feeling very American.

We live in the Land of the free, because of the Brave!!! Remember our
Troops of Yesterday and Today!!!

A great example of why we should be kind and patient. Kindness is
the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.

May God's many blessings continue to be with you - ALWAYS!!!
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Type: Discussion • Score: 0 • Views: 2,516 • Replies: 15
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Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 30 Jul, 2008 11:54 am
It would be nice if something like that actually happened.....but i doubt it.
Petey J
Reply Tue 10 Nov, 2009 11:28 pm
@Fatal Freedoms,
Did you miss the moral of the story?
Petey J
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2009 03:08 am
@Petey J,

Matthew 7:1-2

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."

That, in essence, is the moral of this story. The Golden Rule.
Seer Travis Truman
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2009 06:08 am
@Petey J,
I think that was fiction. I dont believe it really happened. This story show Me how untra-demented your mind-function really is, and how deep down, you feel like what society told you you are "a loser". Not that there is any legitimacy to the "loser" label.
It seems to Me that you really use this woman as a projection of what you feel that you need, you need others to give and take care of you, because you dont think you have the abillity to take care of yourself.

"After developing cancer in 1977 and having had to use food stamps; I had learned never to judge anyone, without knowing the circumstances of their life. This turned out to be the case today."

Well, I will remember THAT quote for later....

The Truth is that there is no obligation why anyone should buy anything for her or help her in any way. I would have added more comment, and not paid a cent for her groceries.

That woman in the story would have been the victim of her society, because she felt an "embarrasssment" because she TOOK money from others. Amazing.
0 Replies
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Wed 11 Nov, 2009 07:01 am
@Petey J,
Petey J.;68903 wrote:
Did you miss the moral of the story?

The moral of the story is that this doesn't happen and people are to involved in their own lives to think about other people.

The moral of the story is that the government has to force us to give up our money to help the needy because people won't do it of their own freewill.

This is what things have become. The truth is that if this happened in real life most people would have just moved to another line because it was taking too long.

I have a story for you, except this one is true:

Petru Barladeanu was accidentally shot by Italian mafia in a crowded street in the center of Napoli close to the Spanish Quarter, on the 26th of March, 2009. The event took place at a moment when the street was full of people who witnessed the assault at early hours of the evening. Taking refuge at the entrance of a station, Petru Barladeanu fell and died half an hour later in the presence of his panicked wife who called for help. As shown in the CCTV video of the event [3] the victim was surrounded by ordinary people who looked at the victim without giving any help whatsoever and then fled the scene. The victim eventually died and the perpetrators as well as those who refused assistance are still not convicted.

I remember a time when if you left your car lights on someone might get in your car and turn them off for you. Now if you leave your car too long in one spot somebody will break your window and steal everything inside.
Josef cv
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 09:59 am
DiversityDriven;58449 wrote:
Some people!' snorted a man standing behind me in the long line at
the grocery store.

'You would think the manager would pay attention and open another
line, 'said a woman. I looked to the front of the line to see what the hold
up was and saw a well dressed, young woman, trying to get the machine to
accept her credit card. No matter how many times she swiped it, the machine
kept rejecting it.

'It's one of them welfare card things. Damn people need to get a job
like everyone else, ' said the man standing behind me. The young woman turned
around to see who had made the comment. 'It was me,' he said, pointing to

The young lady's face began to change expression. Almost in tears,
she dropped the welfare card onto the counter and quickly walked out of the
store. Everyone in the checkout line watched as she began running to her car.
Never looking back, she got in and drove away.

After developing cancer in 1977 and having had to use food stamps; I
had learned never to judge anyone, without knowing the circumstances of their
life. This turned out to be the case today.

Several minutes later a young man walked into the store. He went up
to the cashier and asked if she had seen the woman. After describing her, the
cashier told him that she had run out of the store, got into her car, and
drove away.

'Why would she do that?' asked the man. Everyone in the line looked
around at the fellow who had made the statement. 'I mad e a st upid comment
about the welfare card she was using. Something I shouldn't have said. I'm
sorry,' said the man.

'Well, that's bad, real bad, in fact. Her brother was killed in
Afghanistan two years ago. He had three young children and she has taken on
that responsibility. She's twenty years old, single, and now has three
children to support,' he said in a very firm voice.

'I'm really truly sorry. I didn 't know,' he replied, shaking both
his hands about. The young man asked, Are these paid for?' pointing to the
shopping cart full of groceries. 'It wouldn't take her card,' the clerk told
him. 'Do you know where she lives?' asked the man who had made the comment.
'Yes, she goes to our church.' Excuse me,' he said as he made his way to the
front of the line. He pulled out his wallet, took out his credit card and
told the cashier, 'Please use my card. PLEASE!' The clerk took his credit
card and began to< FONT c olor=black> ring up the young woman's groceries.

Hold on,' said the gentleman. He walked back to his shopping cart and
began loading his own groceries onto the belt to be included. 'Come on
people. We got three kids to help raise!' he told everyone in line.

Everyone began to place their groceries onto the fast moving belt. A
few customers began bagging the food and placing it into separate carts. 'Go
back and get two big turkeys,' yelled a heavyset woman, as she looked at the
man. 'NO,' yelled the man. Everyone stopped dead in their tracks. The entire
store became quiet for several seconds. 'Four turkeys,' yelled the man.
Everyone began laughing and went back to work.

When all was said and done, the man paid a total of $1,646.57 for the
groceries. He then walked over to the side, pulled out his check book, and
began writing a check using the bags of dog food piled near the front of the
store for a writing surface. He turned around and handed the check to the
young man. 'She will need a freezer and a few other things a s well,' he
told the man.

The young man looked at the check and said, 'This is really very
generous of you.'

'No,' said the man. 'Her brother was the generous one.'

Everyone in the store had been observing the odd commotion and began
to clap. And I drove home that day feeling very American.

We live in the Land of the free, because of the Brave!!! Remember our
Troops of Yesterday and Today!!!

A great example of why we should be kind and patient. Kindness is
the language the blind can see and the deaf can hear.

May God's many blessings continue to be with you - ALWAYS!!!

This would have been an anomaly. The VAST majority of leeches using the money of strangers who have been robbed by the government are ungrateful, surly, racist, arrogant, parasites who think other people owe them a living; they are the perfect tools for the socialist liberals to manipulate for their undeserved votes.
0 Replies
Josef cv
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 10:04 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;68911 wrote:
The moral of the story is that this doesn't happen and people are to involved in their own lives to think about other people.

The moral of the story is that the government has to force us to give up our money to help the needy because people won't do it of their own freewill.

What does that make the government except thieves, robbers, and criminals? Taking someone's money against his will is a crime if done by anyone besides the government hoodlums who revel in their unfettered power over the poor working taxpayers of America.
0 Replies
Josef cv
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 10:06 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;58477 wrote:
It would be nice if something like that actually happened.....but i doubt it.

But you would do it, wouldn't you, Robin?
Fatal Freedoms
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 10:28 am
@Josef cv,
Josef;69052 wrote:
But you would do it, wouldn't you, Robin?

Who's Robin?
Josef cv
Reply Thu 19 Nov, 2009 11:34 am
@Fatal Freedoms,
Fatal_Freedoms;69058 wrote:
Who's Robin?

You are, Mr. Hood. DUH!
0 Replies
Josef cv
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2011 11:50 am
That is how charity should be ...... VOLUNTARY!!
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2011 11:52 am
@Josef cv,
and none for the brown people...
Josef cv
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2011 12:07 pm
Why not?
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2011 12:21 pm
@Josef cv,
just following your lead, joe...
Josef cv
Reply Wed 14 Sep, 2011 01:46 pm
When did I ever say that brown people are not entitled to receive voluntary charity?
0 Replies

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