wvpeach;34193 wrote:Well good for Bush, glad he came through , and didn't lie about one thing.
he sure has lied about a lot of other things.
And campbell he has the blood of thoudands like at least 50K by his own admission on his hands.
Certainly the people who cheer him on as he wages this war are just as quilty , and God will be the judge of just how bad this killing and death waged by george Bush has been.
Souls God decrees to live among the family will live , just like you and I one day campbell. Man cannot change the plans of God that way. Those aborted babies will live if they were supoosed to.
George Bush and his supporters have killed many, many people who were already born.
Useing your logic one could say those who have died in the Iraq war would of lived if they were suppose to. You seem to focus on the thousands that have been killed by the war over there, yet were is your outrage over the 60 million children that were aborted over here. And when you stand before God and He ask's you, why didn't you vote for the person who tried to stop the killing in your own country? Will you tell Him the other party said they could bring more jobs back to America. In one breath you say you are against the killing in Iraq, and in the next breath you don't care about the millions aborted here, you are more worried about jobs. WOW. The fact is the greater number of people being slaughtered does not appear to bother you. And it also appears you are willing to support those who would try to keep that slaughter going. So please, don't waste my time with your bleeding heart for the thousands dieing in Iraq, when you would not lift a finger to save the millions dieing here.