@Greatest I am cv,
Greatest I am;22062 wrote:Genesis 3:22
And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."
If the man had absorbed the knowledge of good and evil and was like a God then the man would have been good as God is.
Why would God deny a good man immortality. As a good man, he would get to Heaven anyway.
If man was not to become as a God, why did God give us the tool of the tree of good and evil.
This tree, the Bible leads us all to being good. We are in fact asked by the Bible to become as Jesus. Perfect.
Why deny “the man” immortality at that point in time?
The basis for this question is a belief that the God of the Bible does not exist. This finally clicked when reading about the I AM movement. The I AM movement is a Gnostic cult. Your name and beliefs seem to indicate you are a member of this movement. It's like a Jonathan Livingston Seagul religion. From the Handbook of Cults and New Religions, by Ron Rhodes, the basic tenets of the I AM movement:
Chanting I AM decrees to reinforce the contact of each person with divine reality;
The supremacy of St Germaine in the dawning of the Aquarian Age;
The pantheistic view that God and the universe are one and the same;
That humanity can attain that one is divine and can attain ascension like one of the "Ascended Masters;" and
That all people are reincarnated until the reaching that divine plane.
Your question is an attempt to win people to your panthesitic view of God. If you are not a direct adherent to the I AM movement, then you might be a member of the Church Universal and Truiumphant, "a modernized and popularized offshoot of the I AM movement."