I saw the whole series. And Penn Gillette, just like other intelligent and remarkable men in the past, have missed the point completely. They are foaming at the mouth against SOMEONE and not for something.
I loved that show, but I also loved Michael Moore's "TV Nation" when it was on the air. He got Slobodan Milosevik under the hood of his Yugo. Classic.
Lots of what they are saying is VERY true, and very correct. It's the way that he says it that gets me. Watch the other episodes on YouTube.
I do believe that Hybrid cars are ****. And Lesbians can date and scissor each other all they want. But I'm not going to support any legislature that makes the world favorable to them anymore than I will support legislature that makes life easier for David Duke.
And that is where Penn falls short. If you don't agree with something that makes sense, than you are obviously an asshole. That's not always the case. It's a black and white world for this sort of debate, and he definately makes it a black and white issue in his mannerisms.