Tue 15 May, 2007 09:14 pm
I was at work today and my truck starting acting up. I was taking it to the Ford dealership that does all of our warranty work. There is a major interstate that is under construction and the onramps are closed down so you are forced to exit to the feeder road in order to get on the interstate. Well i was going down to the stop light when i noticed all of the cars in my lane were merging into the right lane. Then i noticed the police officers were waving everyone over. Well my truck is big and slow. I continued foward untill i was close to the cops and they were getting mad at me telling me to get over now. So i start to make my way over and of the sudden i see the front end of an 18 wheeler right next to my passenger side door. Well this is fairly normal in houston bumper to bumper type traffic. I just thought he like most every was just trying to make sure that no one else got in front of him but me. It happens all the time. So i thought nothing of it and when the light turned green i proceeded unto the next red light. When i checked my side mirror as i always do, The same 18 wheeler was traveling at me at an alarming rate. I braced for impact but he stoped just inches from rear ending me. I look again and the man is climbing out of his truck with something in his hand. Now picture this if you can, to the left of me is a concrete baracade, to the right is another car just inches from mine. I am trapped inside the cab of this truck. I had to make a quick deduction of the situation and concluded that the inside of the truck would be better anyways. Well the man ran to my drivers side window on the baracade and starting bashing something against it. I looked and it was one of those hammer tools that the fire department uses to break open windows. For some reason the window was not breaking but i knew if it did he was going to attack me with that same hammer. I thought quick and found the only object in the cab of the truck i could use, my pocket knife. I took it out of my pocket and opened it knowing that i would have to use it if this guy busted my window. I never took my eyes away from his. I was more than prepared to strike if he busted my window. I did not want to have to end his life, but the blind rage that was in his eyes let me know this guy came up here to kill me or hurt me if he could. I knew that the window was going to protect me untill it was shattered. After that i had to protect myself, Wich is why i decided to stay in the truck.
Also i realized that from the angle he was and with his height he would have to lean into the truck to do anything to me, wich would impare his sight and swinging ability. This guy wasn't going to stop untill either i was dead, he was dead, or another person interviened. So i sat there, knife in hand mouthing the words get back or i will stab you. Eventually another trucker a few trucks back got out of his truck and started yelling at him and they started to argue. When this happened i looked forward and saw the cars in front of me had moved on and i was able to escape this mad man for now. I looked back again and the man was getting back in his truck and starting to move. He then got back into the other lane and went on. I don't know why the window did not break. He was using a tool designed to break windows and yet the window only has a few dents, dings, and scratches. There might be a higher reason for that, but for the sake of argument.....i'll say who knows. In the heat of the moment i did not think of getting the mans license plate number(wich is the first thing my boss asked me.). When i made it to the dealership i had a chance to calm down and really think about what happened. I was stuck in a state of shock for the rest of the day. I couldn't believe that i was actually put in a situation that could have ended with me or another person being killed. Of course, as i have said before, I will not go down alone or without a fight if my life is threatoned and there is no other choice. What i would like to know, from an outside opinion, does it seem like a situation were i would have had to defend my life by taking someone elses? I am very greatfull that i had a chance to get away and did not have to make a quick decision. Again, i did not WANT to take the mans life. but would i have been justified if i would have? I at the time and still belive i would have not had any other choice. I need some feedback for the sake of my own sanity. Don't be afraid to speak your true opinions. I will not be offended. Now i'm rambling about it again.....Keep in mind that when i found another option i took it. I was not looking for a weapons fight.
I hate Houston traffic, you guys are the worst drivers in America, well, next to Dallas. lol
92b16vx;16100 wrote:I hate Houston traffic, you guys are the worst drivers in America, well, next to Dallas. lol
it definately takes some getting used to.
houston traffic = :FU2:
You made the right decision, I know a few people who would have been more than happy to meet this man half way.
The only lucky person that day was the truck driver. Dumb Ass.
markx15;16138 wrote:You made the right decision, I know a few people who would have been more than happy to meet this man half way.
well the main thing is, if i get into a fight at work no matter who is at fault i get fired unless i am defending myself. Like this situation i would not have got fired unless i got out of the truck to fight him as soon as i saw him get out of the truck. After he started to attack me i would not have got fired. I can't just jump out and instigate then someone attack me. That would not be justified accourding to company policy. But if i stay in the truck and someone just starts to attack me, like this, i am justified. So i also didn't want to lose my job.
Drnaline;16145 wrote:The only lucky person that day was the truck driver. Dumb Ass.
How do you mean? And who is the dumbass?
I counted 22 dents in my window when i got my truck back today. I still don't know how it did not break.
As long as your Ok Drnaline is right, that son of a bytch let out hes anger on you, threatened you, damaged your truck and is laughing with hes mates about now. Im guessing your an elder or a sensitive young man. I dont know why you were worried about work at these times, you must have one hell of a long slow temper. Self defence isnt after you get hit, in your case you were waiting for it. If someone clenched their fist and walked towards you looking aggresive and you manage to knock him down before he even tried, thats self defence and self preservation. Personally you should of quickly jumped out of the passenger side door and slash him till he bleeds to unconciousness then proceed with the beheading lol. Anyways on the safe side, you did the right thing, your safe and you now know that your windows are bullet proof lol.
How can you put your job before your life or health for that matter, Besides if you did get fired then thatll be unfair dismisal, and actions can be taken, well in Australia you can.
Azmr;16444 wrote:As long as your Ok Drnaline is right, that son of a bytch let out hes anger on you, threatened you, damaged your truck and is laughing with hes mates about now. Im guessing your an elder or a sensitive young man. I dont know why you were worried about work at these times, you must have one hell of a long slow temper. Self defence isnt after you get hit, in your case you were waiting for it. If someone clenched their fist and walked towards you looking aggresive and you manage to knock him down before he even tried, thats self defence and self preservation. Personally you should of quickly jumped out of the passenger side door and slash him till he bleeds to unconciousness then proceed with the beheading lol. Anyways on the safe side, you did the right thing, your safe and you now know that your windows are bullet proof lol.
whats strange is, I have a really short temper actually wich is even more suprising. Like i said if he would have broken the window i was going to stab my knife into his throught, right through the windpipe. I don't know, I just didn't want there to be any chance for a witness to say i instigated the situation. If everyone around me saw that i stayed in the truck untill the truck was no longer enclosed, No one can say it was just road rage on my part. I felt no rage, i was calm and observant. Much like i am during any kind of "tragic moment". Wich is why alot of the people who know me say i should be a fireman, or police officer, or ems or something of that sort. Or at least i never really show the emotions that i feel at the time, but during a time of crisis you don't have time to feel emotions. You have to keep your mind clear. There was one situation when i lived in Oklahoma where my wife and I were camping at a lake and overheard a verbal argument that turned into a fist fight between a couple. I heard the girl scream please stop hitting me i jumped up and ran over not knowing the size of the guy or anything about the situation. When i came upon the fight/beating, i did a quick look around as i was running to the couple. Saw a knife on the table, alot of beer, and a fire. I got to the two and pushed the guy wich made him fly back and fall down and got in between the two and warned him that if he did not back off he wasn't going to be beating his girl he was going to fight a man.(kinda corny) well long story short he backed off and backed his car into his other car and sped off calling his girlfriend every 10 seconds to see if i was still there. But i stayed with her untill the park ranger and the police got there. The park ranger said she wished i would have beat him senseless. What got me pissed off is i found out after he left that she was a few weeks pregnant with his kid. I was wishing he would come back after that. Why am i always in these odd situations?
Its fear, i know quite a few friends that are "fearless" in fights but when suprised they crumble, they just cant deal with the element of suprise. A pocket knife sounds small to me so personally id suggest getting a larger knife, like a butterfly knife with the blade almost the size of your palm, while the body releases adrenaline, little knives have no effect and wont be felt until he calms down, which is after he either kicks the **** out of you or kills you. Just the way butterfly knives open scares everyone away. Or better yet get your gun licence and carry it in you designated truck or whatever (that is if its legal to carry it, not sure about the US law). Be safe next time.
Azmr;16486 wrote:Its fear, i know quite a few friends that are "fearless" in fights but when suprised they crumble, they just cant deal with the element of suprise. A pocket knife sounds small to me so personally id suggest getting a larger knife, like a butterfly knife with the blade almost the size of your palm, while the body releases adrenaline, little knives have no effect and wont be felt until he calms down, which is after he either kicks the **** out of you or kills you. Just the way butterfly knives open scares everyone away. Or better yet get your gun licence and carry it in you designated truck or whatever (that is if its legal to carry it, not sure about the US law). Be safe next time.
Oh he wouldn't have much time to feel after getting stabbed in the windpipe. My pocket knife is big enough to clean/gutt a deer. i keep it sharp enough to cut the hair off of my arm. I could probably shave my arm with it. it's not so much the size of the weapon, You just have to know how to use your weapon effeciently. You have to be smart and quick. Besides that, i doubt he would have had a chance to put a whoopn me. If the knife didn't work, i still know how to throw a punch or three hundred. It wouldn't have been my first fight against someone with a weapon. Or you could be right, he may have just beat me to death. it's all good tho, your right, at least i lived to talk about it.