Roman Catholic Bishop says: Just call God Allah

Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 10:56 am
SWORD of GOD;31815 wrote:
First prove to me without any doubt that what you claim were done by Muslims. Your sources are from anti-Islam media sources like FOX NEWS and CNN or from anti-Islam websites.

But I can prove to you that Christian American/Europeian and Jewish Israelies armies have killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people including children and they still continue to commit their war crimes till now.

There can be no debate if you refuse to accept the facts as facts.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 11:19 am
politically-wrong;31844 wrote:
i can bring you proof if you want, but before that answer me, what does Islam say about those who leaves Islam?

Is this Shia versus Sunni???
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 11:28 am
SWORD of GOD;31876 wrote:
Yes, in Islam anyone who leaves Islam can be punished by killing him but that is done under the Islamic State rule only and under restricted conditions.

Bring your proofs so we can discuss them and I will discuss the issue of the punishment of those who leave Islam. We hide nothing in our religion and we're proud of it because it the TRUTH, the only true religion from the Creator.

Be careful that according to the Bible, You must Kill those who reject the God of Israel as this teaching is emphasized in the Bible but those ignorant Jews and christians do not read their bible or try to deny it (or hide it). I will show you those biblical passages when you bring your proofs.

You read from the Old Covenant and justify your (non-covenant) beliefs and works against people who are covered by the Old Covenant and throw in those covered by the New Covenant for good measure. There seems to be a disconnect in your thought process.

To straighten out your thought process, please read and accept the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and have displeased You in many ways. I believe You died for my sin and only through faith in Your death and resurrection can I be forgiven.

I want to turn from my sin and ask You to come into my life as my Savior and Lord. From this day on, I will follow You by living a life that pleases You. Thank You, Lord Jesus for saving me. Amen.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 04:05 pm
Volunteer;31911 wrote:
You read from the Old Covenant and justify your (non-covenant) beliefs and works against people who are covered by the Old Covenant and throw in those covered by the New Covenant for good measure. There seems to be a disconnect in your thought process.

To straighten out your thought process, please read and accept the following prayer:

Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner and have displeased You in many ways. I believe You died for my sin and only through faith in Your death and resurrection can I be forgiven.

I want to turn from my sin and ask You to come into my life as my Savior and Lord. From this day on, I will follow You by living a life that pleases You. Thank You, Lord Jesus for saving me. Amen.

[SIZE="2"]Do you admit that Jesus is NOT the God of Moses and the Jews of the Old Testament !?[/SIZE]

I hope your above response is not a cheap quick excuse when you felt that you've been put in the corner!
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 04:25 pm
SWORD of GOD;31205 wrote:
That bishop was just brave to admit the truth. Allah is the personal name of God that Jesus (peace be upon him) used to call when he prayed. Jesus spoke Aramaic (not Arabic).

"Oh God" = "YA ALAAH" (in aramaic: the mother tongue language of Jesus).

ALAAHAA (in aramaic) = God

Check for yourself in this Christian Aramaic website Christianity and Aramaic/Neo-Aramaic Church

Also, The original name in the Bible for GOD is not "Yahweh". It is "Allah". See the proofs from Jewish and Christian sources The original name for GOD is not "Yahweh".* It is "Allah"

In fact, Arabic speaking Jews in Morroco and Arabic speaking Christians use the word Allah when refering to God.

Scholars are unanimous in that Jesus spoke the language of Aramaic (not Arabic). What is the word for God in Aramaic? it is Alaah or Alaaha (depends on it poisition in the sentence). For anyone interested in proof please purchase the Lamsa Bible (translated from Aramaic) by George M

Additional note:

Vatican's New Catechism declares Muslims to be saved

Link: Vatican's New Catechism declares Muslims and Jews to be saved!

841 The Church's relationship with the Muslims. "The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind's judge on the last day."[330]

This paragraph essentially proclaims that "the plan of salvation" includes all faiths that acknowledge the true creator. The reasoning given is that since the Muslims claim the faith of Abraham, and worship the one true God, they are not only among the saved, but are at the top of any such list.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Jesus Christ tells us, it does not matter if you call God Allah, Yahweh, or Father. Your not going anywhere, until you first come to Christ.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 04:49 pm
Campbell34;31934 wrote:
John 14:6 Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
Jesus Christ tells us, it does not matter if you call God Allah, Yahweh, or Father. Your not going anywhere, until you first come to Christ.

Sure, every messenger from Allah had said exactly the same as what Jesus here said. Only if you worship Allah (God) according to His teachings sent through His messengers then you'd be saved.

[And Jesus cried out and said, "He who believes in Me, does not believe in Me but in Him who sent Me. "He who sees Me sees the One who sent Me.] (John 12:44)
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 04:57 pm

I challenge you to a sword-fight. Yeah....I do. I, too, adore the cult of cold steel, and I'm good. Bring your gigantic blades, and I'll bring my British saber. Sword against sword. Cold steel on cold steel. I'll meet in Cairo, three days from now. Go to the place where they decapitate children, for believing in Mickey Mouse. I'll be there, dressed up as Zoro. BRING IT, STEEL. BRING IT TO PAPA!!!!
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 05:41 pm
Pinochet73;31944 wrote:

I challenge you to a sword-fight. Yeah....I do. I, too, adore the cult of cold steel, and I'm good. Bring your gigantic blades, and I'll bring my British saber. Sword against sword. Cold steel on cold steel. I'll meet in Cairo, three days from now. Go to the place where they decapitate children, for believing in Mickey Mouse. I'll be there, dressed up as Zoro. BRING IT, STEEL. BRING IT TO PAPA!!!!

Stop drininking alcohol. It is damaging your brain!
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 06:43 pm
SWORD of GOD;31931 wrote:
[SIZE="2"]Do you admit that Jesus is NOT the God of Moses and the Jews of the Old Testament !?[/SIZE]

New covenant, same God.

Stop drinking alcohol, it's damaging your brain.
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 08:11 pm
SWORD of GOD;31952 wrote:
Stop drininking alcohol. It is damaging your brain!

Are you an adherent of the Cult of Cold Steel? Seriously.....are you into swords? That's one of the shortfalls of Arabic culture -- blade obsession. The Japanese suffered from it, too. Their officers carried swords into combat, and they put a bayonet on everything, even crew-served, heavy machineguns. Their mililtary thinking was backward.:thumbdown:
Reply Sun 19 Aug, 2007 08:59 pm
Pinochet73;31968 wrote:

Are you an adherent of the Cult of Cold Steel? Seriously.....are you into swords? That's one of the shortfalls of Arabic culture -- blade obsession. The Japanese suffered from it, too. Their officers carried swords into combat, and they put a bayonet on everything, even crew-served, heavy machineguns. Their mililtary thinking was backward.:thumbdown:

May you please be humble and hear this relaxing recitation. It will bring peace to your raging heart. You will hear the birth story of Jesus and his Mother, Mary, peace be upon them. Click this yahoo video link The Da Vinci Code and the Jesus told by GOD fro - Yahoo! Video

This is chapter 19 "Mariam" (Mary) from the Holy Quran. Mary, the mother of Jesus (PBUT) is mentioned more times in the Holy Quran than in the bible. Follow along with the english translation of the Holy Quran and you will see for yourself that Prophet Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammed (peace be upon them) were all messengers from the same GOD who preached the same message. "None has the right to be worshipped but GOD". "There is only one GOD" "Jesus replied,"
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 01:45 am
SWORD of GOD;31876 wrote:
Yes, in Islam anyone who leaves Islam can be punished by killing him but that is done under the Islamic State rule only and under restricted conditions.

Bring your proofs so we can discuss them and I will discuss the issue of the punishment of those who leave Islam. We hide nothing in our religion and we're proud of it because it the TRUTH, the only true religion from the Creator.

Be careful that according to the Bible, You must Kill those who reject the God of Israel as this teaching is emphasized in the Bible but those ignorant Jews and christians do not read their bible or try to deny it (or hide it). I will show you those biblical passages when you bring your proofs.

well if you think so why did you challeneg my post in the first place? , what you are saying here is exactly the same am saying, whats the difference?
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 01:47 am
Volunteer;31909 wrote:
Is this Shia versus Sunni???

Who is Shia?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 05:24 am
Quote from Politically wrong;
"Now let me expose your deception and big LIE and expose your ignorance not even in Quran but first of all in your man-made bbile. It's funny that you flunk in the very simple test in your man-made bible and then you claim you have knowledge in the Noble Quran !! Just funny." end...

First I never made any claims about your Quran, I don't know any quotes from it but I do know alot of muslim women who have fled your faith.
Who wrote your bible an alien? Was it Allah himself with pen and paper or stone and chissle? OK, padded room please!

Another Quote from PW:
"No you dont believe in profiling , you just dont give a damn about human rights when it comes to muslims". end...

No thats your job with any human being. You said I don't care about any musilms human rights, as much as you do for a Christians human rights. Now you have your answer to that question!
Heres what I think about you as an individual -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!:
Here is what I think of you from my recent experience. You are an A. Hole and I don't care what happens to you at all, I don't know you and I don't want to know you. You are closed minded idiot blinded by your faith, you think your bible is written from a being other than man kind. Do your take personality altering drugs, LSD, MDMA, Mushrooms... You are truely an undesirable!:FU1:
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 07:36 am
tvsej;31994 wrote:
Quote from Politically wrong;
"Now let me expose your deception and big LIE and expose your ignorance not even in Quran but first of all in your man-made bbile. It's funny that you flunk in the very simple test in your man-made bible and then you claim you have knowledge in the Noble Quran !! Just funny." end...

First I never made any claims about your Quran, I don't know any quotes from it but I do know alot of muslim women who have fled your faith.
Who wrote your bible an alien? Was it Allah himself with pen and paper or stone and chissle? OK, padded room please!

Another Quote from PW:
"No you dont believe in profiling , you just dont give a damn about human rights when it comes to muslims". end...

No thats your job with any human being. You said I don't care about any musilms human rights, as much as you do for a Christians human rights. Now you have your answer to that question!
Heres what I think about you as an individual -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!:
Here is what I think of you from my recent experience. You are an A. Hole and I don't care what happens to you at all, I don't know you and I don't want to know you. You are closed minded idiot blinded by your faith, you think your bible is written from a being other than man kind. Do your take personality altering drugs, LSD, MDMA, Mushrooms... You are truely an undesirable!:FU1:

Quote from Politically wrong;
"Now let me expose your deception and big LIE and expose your ignorance not even in Quran but first of all in your man-made bbile. It's funny that you flunk in the very simple test in your man-made bible and then you claim you have knowledge in the Noble Quran !! Just funny." end...

from me? i never wrote that, this is sword of God , iam not apologizing for the post, am simply saying i didnot post that, you need to wear your spectacles before reading, if you dont have one then i recommend that you acquire one.

First I never made any claims about your Quran, I don't know any quotes from it but I do know alot of muslim women who have fled your faith.

good for you , i never said that no one ever rejected Islam, but its a fact we are the fastest growing religion IN THE WORLD, whether you like it or not Very Happy man i love my self .

Who wrote your bible an alien

secondly we dont have a Bible ( loooolz ) its called the Quraan brainy girl :cool: ,

Was it Allah himself with pen and paper or stone and chissle? OK, padded room please!

your logic is just amazing :thumbup: iam heading to the nearest church right after posting Very Happy

Here is what I think of you from my recent experience. You are an A. Hole and I don't care what happens to you at all, I don't know you and I don't want to know you. You are closed minded idiot blinded by your faith

well were is all the civilization you were talking about?
where is the freedom of expression?
i could have accepted your post except for the highlighted parts they were absolutely unneccessary, if you can not rebut my postings just ignore them thats all, you dont have to work your self up.

you think your bible is written from a being other than man kind

as i said its called the Quraan not Bible looolz:D

Do your take personality altering drugs, LSD, MDMA, Mushrooms... You are truely an undesirable!:FU1:

you only wish i was , unfortunately for you am not.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 08:55 am
secondly we dont have a Bible ( loooolz ) its called the Quraan brainy girl ,
Nice way of not answering the question? I'll ask properly and lets see if i get an answer? Who wrote your Quran?
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 10:04 am
politically-wrong;31981 wrote:
well if you think so why did you challeneg my post in the first place? , what you are saying here is exactly the same am saying, whats the difference?

My brother, I think you owe me an explanation here!

The following was part of my response to Red :

Originally stated by SWORD of GOD
I challenge you to bring proofs from either from the Quran or authentic hadeeth to support your out of context claim! Otherwise I will consider you either ignorant or just a deceiver trying to spread hate.

Then I was surprised that you responded to my challenge by writting this:

politically-wrong;31844 wrote:
i can bring you proof if you want, but before that answer me, what does Islam say about those who leaves Islam?

Here is your post: http://www.conflictingviews.com/t1766-3/#post31844

So, I am just answering you on that.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 10:43 am
socalgolfguy;31792 wrote:
To: Sword of God -
I assume that you are a peaceful and loving person. Do you speak up against the vile radical element that tortures and kills innocents in the name of Allah?

Sword - you never answered my question. I pose it again......
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 10:47 am
Him and PW don't like to answer certain questions, i wonder why, LOL?
Reply Mon 20 Aug, 2007 11:25 am
Drnaline;32040 wrote:
Him and PW don't like to answer certain questions, i wonder why, LOL?

Because their both from the same corner. People like them have alot of non answers because they are incapable of telling the truth. You can see from the responses they are only trying to redirect your thoughts. They will not answer questions that make them look foolish.

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